SocraticGadfly: Former Lancaster ISD head in trouble again

October 15, 2009

Former Lancaster ISD head in trouble again

Larry Lewis is the still-embattled, yet former, superintendent of the Lancaster (Texas) school district. Why still embattled?

After agreeing to resign, this spring, in exchange for a severance of several months, his last severance check has been held up.

Why? He has an outside job, which violates the terms of the agreement.

Or does it? Since he had it before he got the boot. That's the way current and former school board supporters of Lewis are painting it.

Back in 2007, in executive session of the board, and never discussed in open session, Lewis got the okey-dokey to take on a consultant position with AFLAC. (What, your $190K salary as super wasn't enough?)

Lewis could sell ice to Eskimos, I will readily concede. This is ridiculous. So is his defense by those certain board members.

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