SocraticGadfly: What a difference a year makes — especially with too many ‘salute the Democratic presidential candidate’ hypocrites

August 16, 2005

What a difference a year makes — especially with too many ‘salute the Democratic presidential candidate’ hypocrites

Many naysayers never thought this would happen. Well, they may still shred, I mean shed, no tears over me. But, I shall arise from the grave of Skillet and Fastone.

It’s been over a year since I started blogging, inspired by, and frustrated by, the invasion of Iraq.

One of my earliest posts, the second after an introduction, to be precise, was about John Kerry’s squishiness on Iraq.

Now, if Joe Biden were spouting this same bullshit on “Meet the Press,” he’d get his ass flamed by Kos, most diarists over at Kos, Atrios, and many others. But, one year ago, with Kerry saying the exact same thing, most Kos diarists were circling the wagons against someone like me, just because Kerry was the Democratic candidate for president.

Well, if it is bullshit now, it was bullshit a year ago.

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