
April 30, 2020

Texas Progressives: Earth Day, gentrification, more

As coronavirus-specific news slows, this may be the last week this corner of Texas Progressives splits the two.

There's plenty of non-coronavirus news to talk about.

Earth Day / environment

SocraticGadfly had a trio of posts for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The first, complete with photos, looked at the past 50 years of wildlife preservation efforts — the good, the bad, the ugly. The second said that King Hubbert was correct, using the parameters he did of rational, profitable exploration, that the US hit Peak Oil in 1970. The third, per the Daniel Day-Lewis movie, said there will continue to be blood for oil.

David Bruce Collins has Earth Day thoughts, including his take on Michael Moore's iffy "Planet of the Humans."

That insect apocalypse that was all the buzz a year or two ago, while bad, is not as bad as first reported and water bugs are actually increasing.

Andrew Wheat explains how rightwing oligarch Tim Dunn loves the "nanny state" when it benefits his bottom line. Dunn, the "Christofascist" of Jim Schutze, will leech off the gummint teat for oil.

Stephen Young answers your questions about how oil can cost less than nothing.

Texas politics

The Texas Observer details just how far John Cornyn has his head buried up Trump's ass.

Off the Kuff looks at the ways that local election officials are trying to prepare for the July and November elections.


The Texas Observer takes a close look at gentrification in Texas.

Nearly 4 percent of the methane produced in the Permian is being leaked.

Dos Centavos is making tortillas, as we all should be right now.

The Bloggess takes you on a creepy tour of her house.


Before COVID, Dallas had plenty of job openings. If you were younger and less well-off, especially, and looking for semi-entry level jobs, good luck getting there. DART can't help you very well in general and, as yours truly knows from Today Newspapers days, the South Dallas burbs don't belong. Neither do many of the big booming, richer ones to the north and northeast. And, DART's focus on light rail? It will never admit it, but yours truly knows that's focused at higher dollar people.


Contra rumor mongering by non-disinterested party Primo Nutmeg, Jesse Ventura is not running for the Green Party nomination. (And is not desired in these corners.)

Contra Never Trumper GOPers and Democratic National Committee type apparatchiks, I highly doubt that the Justin Amash who IS running for the Libertarian nomination would take more votes from Biden than Trump. And, if that's true? A Libertarian taking more votes from a Dem than from a Republican would show just how bad Biden is.

The credibility of another allegedly outside-the-box left-liberal journalistic steno crumbled, as Tim Shorrock showed himself to be a JFK conspiracy theorist.

Paradise in Hell deconstructs the Trumpian snake oil show.

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