
May 15, 2024

Texas Progressives talk floods, runoffs, Zionism

Meet Troy Nehls, joining Havana Ted Cruz as elected Rethuglican money-launderers.

#TotsAndPears about East Texas flooding. This still won't wake up climate change denialists, and the Trib's platitudinous ending doesn't help.

Anti-Palestinian administrative thuggery at UT-Austin continues. Zionist Kuffner will continue to ignore.

University of Houston is also cracking down on pro-Palestinian protests.. Kuff has ignored.

The city of Clarendon just told Mark Lee Dickson and his localized anti-abortion lawsuits mill to go fuck himself. I'll have much more on Mr. Dickson in a couple of weeks.

The dominoes are falling. Two political consultants pled guilty in the Henry Cuellar bribery case. And, yes, they're "flipping."

SocraticGadfly notes how, 20 years of statewide control on, Republican candidates still blame Democrats for issues like K-12 education. 

Dade "Dade" Phelan has entered Pander Bear territory in his official status as state Speaker of the House as his primary runoff date approaches.

Off the Kuff looks at the Q1 2024 finance reports for Democratic Senate and Congressional candidates.

Law Dork looks at the next Voting Rights Act lawsuit coming to SCOTUS. 

The TSTA Blog looks for the real meaning of Teacher Appreciation Week. 

The Austin Chronicle reports on SxSW's expansion to London. 

 Reform Austin convers Pastors For Children, a coalition of pastors from nine states dedicated to fighting against efforts to privatize education across the United States. 

The Houston Press highlights two book-banning moms in Montgomery County.  

Daniel Cohen provides his endorsements for the Democratic Primary runoffs in Harris County.


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