
May 16, 2024

Duopoly fraudulency on the presidential debates deal

The top news presidentially from yesterday? Two presidential debates this year, one in June and one in September, and outside the aegis of the Commission on Presidential Debates. That's the agreement reached yesterday between Biden and Trump campaigns.

Nate Silver was going off on Biden for ditching "norms," after Biden noted two of the originally scheduled debates fell after the start of early voting. He called for Biden to negotiate from there.

He did, Nate, and this is what happened.

Meanwhile, you have non-skeptical leftists or pseudolefists like Richard Ebright doing a "gotcha" on the #DementiaJoe angle, and Silver ignoring that both the Rethuglicans and Democraps, connivingly, ditched norms decades ago when pushing the League of Women Voters to the ditch.

And, we know why that happened.

It was to exclude non-duopoly candidates.

Anyway, per a previous GOP resolution against participating in CPB-sponsored debates and other issues, no, the norm for this had been junked by both parties. Was Biden supposed to pull a Clint Eastwood and talk to an empty chair?

Beyond that, both candidates want this. It lets gaffes be neutralized well in advance of voting.

And, both colluded to exclude Brainworm Bob, anyway.

So, note to Nate Silver? Stop blaming Biden when this is bipartisan.

Beyond that, Trump caved. Interesting. 

Also "interesting" that at Ballot Access News yesterday, Winger got it wrong, saying Bob Jr. might be let in, even after I and multiple others posted comments saying he was wrong. As for the time I wrote this, he had yet to correct.

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