
November 06, 2019

Texas Progressives analyze the voting entrails

The leaves are turning color up here on the Red. Did this week's constitutional amendments election portend any color changing in the tea leaves of Texas politics a year from now?

Nationally, the tea leaves look more blue-ish in Virginia and Kentucky; it would be nice for them to have a third color, if eternal green translated into party success.

Texas politics

All constitutional amendments passed — but one. Sadly, wingnuts got a constitutional bar to an income tax that could also affect the franchise tax, contra denials. Meanwhile, it looks like municipal judges can't hold multiple elected judgeships. Details here.

Off the Kuff looked at the lawsuit filed by Democratic groups over the new law that bans temporary voting locations.


Texas Monthly garners reader contributions about celebrating Dia de los Muertos.

Pivoting from folk Catholicism to Lutheranism, SocraticGadfly goes over to his second blog, where he wished a Happy Reformation Day to some gun nutz for Luther, officially known as Armed Lutheran Radio and headquartered right here in Texas.

Jones County, stuck with an empty prison and a boatload of debt, bets on locking up Ill Eagles and putting them on ICE.

The Texas Trib turns 10. Congratulations, either hearty, medium, or small, may or may not be in order. I've thawed a bit from what I wrote on its 5-year anniversary, but much of Jim Moore's spirit is still mine. Congrats are moderate and wary, and I'll have more in a few days.


Incumbent Mayor Sly Turner is headed to a runoff with Tony Buzbee.


Josh Hamilton, most likely off the sobriety wagon (I wondered when he cut all his old support staff a couple of years ago) allegedly injured his one daughter. Christmas and New Year's Eve are not too far away; if you need help, and don't want the 12-step approach, visit Lifering Recovery.

Carrollton is the latest place in Texas of any size to suffer a cyberattack and it's still recovering.

Pete Freedman asks the important question: Was the founder of the city of Dallas a cephalopod?

Fort Worth

Jim Schutze of the Dallas Observer moseys over to Cowtown again and asks, if the city wants a diversity director, why did it fire who Schutze considers its previous one, its last police chief? OK, Jim, let's not ride this horse too far, as you do at times.

San Antonio

Sanford Nowlin reports on the continuing fight over San Antonio's paid sick leave ordinance.


God, lack of donors or whomever call Bob on a Knob O'Rourke "home" and out of the Democratic presidential race, after his pandering 0 for 2 wrongness on Constitutional issues failed to boost his campaign. Julián Castro does a better impersonation of Oral Roberts and gets enough new money to stay in.

Howie Hawkins got the SPUSA nomination and immediately launched an eligibility issue and other issues within the Green Party, where he is also running, into even higher gear. I address all that.

Brains, in his weekly 2020 update, discusses Bob, Julián, Howie and Lizzie Borden Warren and her Swiss cheese Medicare for all plan.

Christopher Hooks gets in some last bromance for Bob on a Knob as he bids farewell to the Beto for President campaign. Just when Hooks has a string of unbroken hits, well, he does something like this.

Jim Henson and Joshua Blank analyze the October UT/Trib poll that shows plurality support for the Trump impeachment inquiry.

Therese Odell thanks Washington Nationals fans for their appropriate greeting of Donald Trump at the World Series.

Fellow Rethugs in the Senate rejected Sen. Rand Paul (R-Squirrel Hair) when he called to deanonymize the Ukraine whistleblower.


Good-bye, Matt Bevin, Xn Right hack job as K-Y Jelly gov. CNN also reports that both houses of the Virginia Lege flipped, and that the MISSISSIPPI gov's race. according to Cook, was lean Republican and NOT "likely Republican" any longer.

While Virginia was an actual swing, the Kentucky results appear to be mainly just a refudiation of Matt Bevin, when one looks at all statewide races.

In Texas? The Secretary of State's webpage with constitutional amendment ballot language was jacked up, calling Amendments 9 and 10 both 7.

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