
November 05, 2019

Jill Stein slouches the rest of the way to Gomorrah

I'm still of multiple minds about her 2016 trip to Russia. It had elements of sincerity, as well as elements of a campaign stunt. I certainly don't think she, or Gen. Flynn, or Justice Party prez candidate Rocky Anderson, were under Russian control. But, I do think she and the other two had their appearances manipulated by Putin.

Stein discusses that, Russiagate and Howie Hawkins' take on it and more in this excerpt from an interview by Primo Nutbar, officially known as Primo Nutmeg. (I've briefly mentioned him before here, and run into him in more depth on Twitter. He earns the renaming.)

The "more"?

When Stein heard about the idea of libertarian Jesse Ventura (noted as such in my review of potential GP candidates), and conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura (he is), running for the Green Presidential nomination, and that antivaxxer RFK Jr. would be his wingman if Jesse had his druthers, she was all for it. He's also a HAARP conspiracy theorist.

(Update, Nov. 15: New research, as written up by the Guardian, shows RFK Jr.'s World Mercury Project was one of the top two buyers of antivaxxer ads on Facebook.)

In 2016, I defended Stein from charges of being an antivaxxer. I said she was playing footsie with the issue for political reasons within the GP, but she wasn't an antivaxxer.

That defense is now officially gone, Stein. You're an antivaxxer.

You're also a relatively poor interview, per the first half of the interview. The halting, hesitant answers, as you seem to seek the right political ground yourself? You should be past that.

(Update 2, Nov. 15: Stein also, according to the Bezos Post, wants Tulsi Gabbard to run as a Green.)

That said, Stein is right on Ian Schlakman whining about the GP's accreditation process for "certified" candidates. And, since I've called Howie half-wrong on his angle on Russian election meddling, Stein is half right. Maybe more.

She's largely wrong about her recount, even if it got a few good results. The AccommoGreen still refuses to admit that the likely reason she sought the recount (I doubt she knew that state law blocked her in Minnesota and New Hampshire) was to block Trump, and maybe only secondarily, look at electoral issues.

Well, between this and Howie breaking party rules (while at the same time exposing the number of conspiracy theorists among Greens), the party is cracking up more and more, and needs to do so, IMO. I thought Hawkins getting the Green nomination would flush out some conspiracy theorists. It may still do so, but unless he gets a waiver on his rule breaking, I can't vote for him.

Mark Lause was both expecting and hoping for such a crack-up three years ago, as I blogged at the time. He seems righter than ever.

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