
June 18, 2024

Texas Progressives talk abortion, elections, more

So, alt-white wingnuts, the True Texas Project, schedule conference for next month in Cowtown, at city-owned Botanic Gardens. Multiple speakers say they were unaware of full agenda and other speakers, including the alt-whites. They cancel. Organizers pull the plug, even while the Botanic Garden says we won't host this racialist dreck. Then? TTP lawyers approach City of Fort Worth, which says "it's back on." That said, the people claiming they were unaware? Like Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies, which itself has a racist and eugenicist past? Not buying it.

Off the Kuff reminds you that your school district's budget crunch is Greg Abbott's fault

SocraticGadfly talks about Mark Lee Dickson's abortion sanctuary city lies and grift

Stace, offers his memories of Tejano Pioneer Johnny Canales, who passed away last week.

If there were a hell, Paul Pressler would have headed straight to it with his death last week. Sadly, there isn't, and still-living Southern Baptist enablers of him won't go there either.

Gilberto Hinojosa, skipper of the SS Texas Dem Minnow, has plenty of clueless Gilligans with him if party leaders think they can flip the state House over school vouchers. Reason No. 944 Texas Dems have remained in a statewide majority for more than 25 years and counting.

Who might buy Infowars now that Alex Jones is being forced to sell? No. 1 on the list of possibles Dan Solomon considers is a rich nutbar like Elmo Musk. Would Musk do it himself? Roger Stone says he's trying to put together a consortium. Other possibilities are more off the wall.

What is there to say about the Supreme Court calling unconstitutional the ATF action banning bump stocks even though even the NRA liked it at the time?

Well, there's the Supreme Court decision essentially letting Team Biden lie to Ill Eagles about court dates.

Eric Johnson doubles down on being a junior wingnut, all while refusing to talk about his city of Dallas losing population.

Neil at Houston Democracy Project said it is a given Houston’s many license plate monitor cameras will be used for repression in an each-day more conceivable authoritarian situation. (Yeah, not that likely, no matter what the ACLU says; at least that one wasn't as stupid as last week.)

 The Bloggess has another Laura Perea update.  

In the Pink would have had some good questions for Martha-Ann Alito, too. 

 Texas 2036 answers your questions about our electric grid. Sort of. Nuclear's not an answer, and small nuclear even less so. Plus, any article that fails to mention Tex-ass was once part of the national grid, fails to suggest that now, and fails to talk about why it's not so is a fail.

The Fort Worth Report eulogizes legendary Fort Worth ISD coach Robert Hughes, the winningest coach in U.S. high school boys basketball history. 

Scott Braddock congratulates Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton for handing Donald Trump "one of the most embarrassing losses of his political career". 

The new CityCast Austin podcast talks to Shanisha Johnson, the public relations and volunteer coordinator for Central Texas Juneteenth, and to Evil MoPac about Cybertrucks.

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