
January 28, 2021

Texas Progressives wonder: Is the Biden honeymoon ALREADY over?

Well, it couldn't last forever, could it?

Besides wingnuts saying it's over, Andrew Sullivan shows again why paying people on Substack ain't worth it (and most brought their cults of fanbois from elsewhere anyway). Sully puts Joe Biden and Ibram X. Kendi in the same breath, sentence and neighborhood. He also deplores Status Quo Joe hanging out the welcome mat for what he says will be a horde of Ill Eagles far beyond what Dear Leader let in during his eight years. Guess Sully is worried the darker skins will lower the national IQ.

With that, on to the roundup.


MMM, who doesn't want some wastewater oil production brine to be giving a nice "edge" to their aquifer-pumped drinking water? Well, the Trump EPA said states could, and Railroad Commission head cheese Wayne Christian loves the leeway of deregulation and High Plains state Senatecritter Charles Perry loves the idea.

SocraticGadfly has Janis Joplin singing a Mercedes-based river for Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.

NAGPRA is of little help in reclaiming ancestral remains for Indian tribes in Texas and nationally who have never been federally "recognized." Many Texas tribes, per the link, have never been recognized.

Does Chip Roy have a future in the Texas GOP, the Monthly asks. (Unasked: How much will Texas or national Dems try to "normalize" him?)

Off the Kuff has a look at 2020 Presidential results by Congressional district.

Juanita celebrates the Alex Jones lawsuit ruling from the Texas Supreme Court.

The Texas Signal reports on an effort to create a pipeline of Democratic candidates for US Attorney and federal court judge in Texas. 

Rick Casey would like to get rid of gasoline-powered leaf blowers. 

Lauren Hough tears apart a clueless essay from someone who moved to "Austin" with absolutely no sense of geography, reality, or self-awareness. (Hough herself is un-self-consciously funny in part of her response in ways she probably didn't intend.)


Your friendly reminder that Status Quo Joe caved to Mulish Mitch when he was Dear Leader's Veep.

How will Mulish Mitch actually handle an entirely constitutional (shut up, Dersh and Luttig) Senate trial?

Seven Senate Dems have filed an ethics complaint against Havana Ted Cruz over the Capitol sedition.

Will My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell take on Trump's encouragement/egging and run for Minnesota gov?

Will Status Quo Joe continue the "forever war" in Afghanistan, chewing up Special Forces just like Dear Leader and the Permatanned Mussolini? You know the answer there. Sadly, the person writing the book from which this link is excerpted is part of the mainstream media, which is generally part of the bipartisan foreign policy establishment.

Related? Counterpunch reminds us that not only did Trump not end "forever wars," most of his base wanted him to extend them and ramp them up. (DiMaggio rightly notes that many left-liberals and leftists were suckers for Trump's propaganda on this issue.)

The DOJ and FBI declining to charge some Jan. 6 Capitol rioters or insurrectionists, as is under debate, would send exactly the wrong message to them, and to minorities and allies from BLM and related protests who have already seen unequal justice on arrests and policing.

The seditionist who tweeted "Assassinate AOC" is the latest to raise the Nuremburg defense.

The most recent switch in weather in California is why we talk about "climate change" and not just "global warming," wingnuts.

Noah Smith has a fair-to-middling RIP on Bernie Sanders as a political movement.

Independent Political Report looks at whether actions against the Rhode Island and Alaska Green Parties weren't just dominoes deliberately set up to create momentum for expelling the Georgia GP for entirely different reasons.

Progress Texas makes the case for expelling Ted Cruz from the Senate. 

Paradise in Hell appreciates some other guys named Joe.

Independent Political Report looks at re

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