
October 17, 2017

TX Progressives eye big biz, state budget, cops, elections, more

The Texas Progressive Alliance admires Rep. Al Green’s impeachment drive, while noting the reality of President Mike Pence that would result, as it brings you this week's roundup. It also notes that voting on constitutional amendments, statewide, and local issues, starts next week.

Off the Kuff says that if giving a tax break to homeowners affected by natural disasters is a priority, the state should cover the cost of that tax break to counties and school districts.

SocraticGadfly looks at a couple of recent pieces by a business columnist at the Chronic, and wonders how many of them apply there and if that will ever be asked?

How about Texas Democrats ask Sylvester Turner to run for governor, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs helpfully suggested.

Neil at All People Have Value attended the weekly Tuesday protest outside the Houston office of Senator John Cornyn. Senator Cornyn is doing a bad job. APHV is part of

Jobsanger offers up 11 steps for a healthier, fairer American economy.

Lewisville Texan Journal talks about the joys of her son addressing city council.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Elizabeth Lewis believes we are misdiagnosing the cause of gun violence.

Grits for Breakfast agrees with criticisms of police unions but rejects most ideas for changing them.

Political Orphans wonders how Democrats would react if they had their own Trump, and his answer reflects on the current state of the duopoly.

Better Texas Blog dives into the latest revenue estimate from the Comptroller.

The TSTA Blog laments the lack of role models at the top of our government.

Therese Odell gamely explains what the First Amendment is.

Grant Brisbee isn't a Texan, but he truly gets the city of Houston.

Bonddad notes that in DC, both parties, on both sides of the Capitol, have a huge problem with gerontocracy, and relates this to the res publica.

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