
October 02, 2024

Texas Progressives talk election thoughts

SocraticGadfly does an early breakout of his "Gadfly slate" for president and says "vote for the Commie."

Off the Kuff analyzed a new poll of Bexar County to see what it might tell us about the state as a whole. 

A federal judge put on hold parts of 2023's SB 1 that deal with state attempts to control (intimidate?) so-called vote harvesting. 

Eliazar Cisneros was the lone person convicted in the 2020 Trump Train driving harassment case. In the court of moral affairs, all were guilty as shit. In the court of the court, Cisneros may win on appeal.

Ken Paxton lost his suit against the State Fair of Texas' gun ban at Fair Park. Kuff has a good roundup of all the coverage, which includes the ScoTx note that Paxton didn't even really lay out much of a legal case. 

Paxton continues to legally harass non-profits helping migrants.

The Trib, the AP, and PBS' Frontline jointly take a real look at the border. It's not bad as far as it goes, but the story doesn't at all investigate what's behind Mexican enforcement of its southern border and other things.

The Trib interviews Amarillo Mayor Cole Stanley about his steering the city council away from adopting an abortion travel ban.

Unions inside prisons — for the inmates? Yes, really, including in Texas. And, the Observer explains why they're needed in all the states of Merikkka.

Kelcy Warren, feudal lord of Energy Transfer, is now working to be a shithole about the National Labor Relations Board.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said John Whitmire, Rodney Ellis & Carol Alvarado have every opportunity to fight for democracy & support Texas Democrats in 2024.  

Texas 2036 looks at the state of mental health.

Reform Austin reminds us who Corey DeAngelis is. 

 Law Dork reports on the latest hearing in the Llano County public library book ban case, in which forced birth zealot Jonathan Mitchell claimed that public libraries only exist "as a matter of grace".  

Your Local Epidemiologist asks why so many Americans expected a perfect COVID-19 vaccine.

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