
October 01, 2024

Mondoweiss agrees with me on the "uncommitted" movement

I said in June that "Listen to America" co-director Lexie Zeidan was lying to herself (as were fellow organization members), lying to readers / followers / political public, or lying to both, when telling Mondoweiss' Michael Arria that they weren't committing to third parties but could still pressure Biden (this was before he withdrew).

Mondoweiss' Ethan Eblaghie has a follow-up. The title is the tale: "The Uncommitted Movement has failed because it refused to punish Democrats."

Here's the nutgras from Eblaghie, who appears to be a member of the movement himself.

Lacking any internal mechanisms for decision-making, the Uncommitted National Movement defaulted to an unacknowledged cadre of spokespeople, such as Waleed Shahid, Lexis Dena Zeidan, and Asma Mohammed, among others, like Layla and Abbas. These individuals were not subject to democratic control, setting the political lines of a movement over 740,000 people strong entirely unchecked by the many grassroots organizers that supported the campaign.
While uncommitted leaders in many states, like Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Rhode Island have raised calls for voters to reject Harris entirely in the general election, the Uncommitted National Movement took a conciliatory approach, giving Harris ample time to engage with our demands after the convention and failing to commit to withholding their support for her even in the absence of her compliance.

Again, lines up with what I said in June.

And, here's the play-out:

In continuing to attempt to move Harris, we must reconcile the Uncommitted National Movement’s refusal to make good on the threat with the size of the voting base behind us, and determine how to make Harris feel more threatened by the anti-war movement against her. Abdicating the best card in our hand – our collective tactical vote – means we no longer have any leverage.
Urging voters to oppose Trump, putting the cart before the horse, means that, on a fundamental level, we accept that the horrific genocide in Gaza and the US-funded murder of over 40,000 Palestinians, is not a red line in this election. On a political level, it means that a small cadre of unelected and unaccountable spokespeople have bartered away what remains of our hand without the input of our state leaders and a thorough, winning analysis of what comes next for the robust movement for an arms embargo on Israel in the United States.

Again, what I said in June.

Going BEYOND Eblaghie, it's why I suspected Jill Stein passed on choosing a Michigander, especially an Arab-American Michigander, as her Veep. She's going down the lesser evilism route herself. And, as I said there, anybody who knows Stein knows this is nothing new.

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