
September 04, 2024

Texas Progressives talk this and that

Off the Kuff dissected another poll about the HISD bond referendum. 

Socratic Gadfly had two environmental posts of note this week. First was "Big Pharma for Big Bend" and he also talked about issues of World Overshoot Day

I'm just surprised that Danny Goeb didn't ALREADY have a Texas Senate Leadership PAC. Not like him to miss a trick for grifting and money laundering. Maybe we need to start calling him #DementiaDanny and remind him that old people have a duty to die.

Beyond the sadness of Kenny Boy suing the city of Dallas over the State Fair's gun ban, the most hilarious part is Rethuglican Mayor Eric Johnson's bullshit non-statements. The second funniest is Paxton admitting that gunz are already banned at certain areas of Fair Park — by state law.

Also funny is the strategery fight between Colin's Kids and Beto's Boys over whether Allred shouldn't be visiting all 254 Tex-ass counties and other things. I think Allred (who isn't getting my vote anyway as a genocide supporter) could be higher energy. But, Beto's all-254 two years ago? (Note that Team Beto alums are referring back to his 2018 Senate race as much as 2022 guv.) May have hurt him, and almost certainly cost Dems the Tarrant County Judge seat. The Monthly generally salutes Allred's plan.

The Trib officially hates write-in candidates.

Ammer Qaddumi is officially suing UT-Austin for violation of his civil rights in his arrest as part of the "kettling" of pro-Palestinian protestors. Kuff, as usual, will have nothing about this in his version of the roundup. 

Reminder, vis a vis both the Trib and the Monthly: The Barbed Wire is in business. Here's Olivia Messer's welcome letter. I am curious as to how the Wire will do especially versus the Monthly, as its readers appear to be the target and the Monthly just put in a paywall.

Strangeabbott and the just-retired DPS head Steve McCraw have a hard-on for high tech on the border. And, per the story, it notes the Fifth Circuit just ruled that the geofencing that drives this tech is unconstitutional. Worse yet, from my POV? Tangles was founded in Israel. So, it needs to be boycotted, and we know just how intrusive it can be.

Academy Sports: Top US source for guns for Mexican criminals.

I strongly, STRONGLY oppose a US memorial to World War I unless it includes exposing all the lies behind US entry into the war.

So, the Observer's new executive director, Loren Lynch, worked at The Nation? Will she learn from it and her time there to get the Observer off its purity potty and start a paywall, online ads, or both? Anything else from her remains nothing more than rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Frank Strong finds a cautionary tale for Fort Bend ISD as it pursues a new highly restrictive library book policy. 

Space City Weather answers your questions about summer and storms.  

Your Local Epidemiologist answers your questions about the new COVID vaccine. (TL/DR: Hold out for Novavax.)

Texas 2036 reports on the plans to keep cities from running out of water.  

In the Pink Texas is busy writing postcards for democracy.

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