
August 22, 2024

Texas Progressives talk CD18, border water, more

Off the Kuff reports on the CD18 nomination and special election.

SocraticGadfly says that declining water in Rio Grande reservoirs isn't entirely Mexico's fault.

Law Dork brings the latest bad SCOTUS news, this time about Title IX. 

Deece Eckstein documented his decade as a monk.

The Texas Observer talked to Amanda Zurawski turning her trauma into activism.

Texas Monthly revisits The Texas Chainsaw Massacre at its 50th birthday. The Texas Signal reminds us that the pro-voucher forces are still moving forward.  

Mean Green Cougar Red visited Nashville and did not express any opinions about that city's football team.

Jill Stein is again the Green Party nominee

RIP Phil Donahue, fired by MSDNC for telling the truth about the Iraq War.

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