
August 20, 2024

Getting Texas environmental news wrong again

Seriously, the Monthly needs to have an outside person vet most its environmental news stories.

Contra the Monthly, black bears have never really been "gone" from West Texas. I've seen two at Big Bend, heard reports of a third siting, and heard one in the Guadalupe Mountains. It's the Monthly. Beyond West Texas, I've seen Parks and Wildlife's reports that more are moving into NE Texas from Oklahoma's Kiamichis. Texas' lack of public land compounds all this. You won't see that in the Monthly, either. 

Meanwhile, who with a brain would pay for this shit?

As long as the Monthly's paywall is a Javascript fake that still lets me read the story, just not click the links, I'll keep reading for free. When it becomes a real paywall, I'll stop reading. As I did with the article on Lone Star Beer, as there, the Javascript covered the screen, including my right-hand slider.

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