
August 21, 2024

Brainworm Bobby, political whore AND potential dropout, aka Wasted Space

Oh, fucktards, now that it's happening? Endorsing Trump IS the functional equivalent of dropping out, even if he never says the magic words "I'm dropping out," either today or any time before Nov. 5. 

And, he has officially "suspended."

Per that logical sage, Mr Spock: "A difference that makes no difference IS no difference."

No "suspended" campaign has ever unsuspended. (Perot did a full drop-out in 1992 before re-entry.)

Other than ego, the only reason he may not utter that magic phrase today is Federal Election Commission money sitting out there for which he should remain eligible.

And, here is an after-the-fact "livestream" of edited thoughts from actual livestream Twitter comments.


Yes, Brainworm Bobby is a political whore, and a candidate without relevance, and a candidate who knows that, if, after contacting Donald Trump looking for his 30 pieces of cabinet office silver, he reportedly did the same with Kamala Harris.

Laughably, the fucktard (Jordan, I don't have to censor or bowdlerize myself here) Nuña tries to get other IPR readers at that link to believe his self-delusional lying eyes about what Brainworm Bobby did and did not do. He's some mix of paleocon Rethuglican, Buchananite racism, sexism and more all included, with a dollup of Mises Mice Libertarian and other things.

As for Brainworm Bobby? I guess it's possible to be a Judas to one's own self.

And, he ain't in. He's allegedly about to be WAY out.


He and even more, his potential wife No. 4, Nicole Shanahan, dropped the masks Tuesday.

So, Brainworm Bobby and Shanahan officially pull the masks off on their political alignment, with talk of dropping out to help Trump? Fucking shock me.

Update: Presser on Friday the 23rd is expected to make it official. And, the rumors about this already on the 21st were bringing MAGAts out of the woodwork on Twitter.

Oh, and Nuña? That IS a quid pro quo. Not all quid pro quos have crassly materialistic exchanges.


That said? Don't get fooled by the Twitter account that posted that Shanahan video. (I got it from Winger at Ballot Access News.) Here's my hot take on it after scrolling through its feed:

People like this are such obvious gaslighters. Do they really fool that many people? 

I guess they fool enough to grift for bucks. Social media: Another sign that, if not a failed state, Merikkka is a failing state.


That said, Brainworm Bobby and his "Kennedy Victory Fund" will not get 30 pieces of silver from the Florida Libertarian Party. And, per earlier info on that, it won't get anything from the Reform Party either.

I think the mounting financial woes, Shanahan's spin aside (and perhaps her cutting off the purse strings for any more campaign "loans") have been the trigger point.


I said yesterday on Twitter, that if he does drop out, I'll start calling him "Wasted Space." Or better/worse if I think of something.


Finally, in all of this, we'll see what sort of moderation Independent Political Report does with "Nuña." Or myself. Or both.

In any case, I plan on not starting anything, but being even firmer in calling him out. Bridges will be crossed when they need to be.

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