
March 13, 2024

Jesse the Body or Aaron Rodgers as Bob Jr's Veep? Tis to laugh — but what about Mike Rowe?

Seen via Red Satan, the New York Times reports that Mr. Dudebro Antivaxxer and fake Green Ventura are on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s vice-presidential shortlist.

UPDATE: And, per an extension to the header, we have a third known commodity. "Dirty Jobs" Mike Rowe is in the running for one more dirty job, he told NBC, while also describing Bob Jr's whole vetting process.  

And ye fucking gads. I can't wait to say more.

But, I shall. Apparently CNN didn't get everybody, or else they had a second page on their chyron that Mike Rowe missed. Rumor has it that he's already got a winner, and it's Nicole Shanahan, main funder of his nutters antivaxxer Super Bowl commercial. Tweet thread here.

Per a tweet by Rowe of seeing himself on an airport terminal teevee? Bob Jr's other nondenied candidates are:

Snake-oil salesman Tony Robbins. Who said no after Bob Jr. reportedly asked TWICE.

Antivaxxer attorney Tricia Lindsay (that's what lobbying for "medical freedom" is, per this YouTube).

Back to the original.

Red Satan focuses on Rodgers, wondering how he'd square running for office while trying to run the Jets offense at the same time. Fair enough question. Does he have ego enough to think he can pull it off? You bet he does.

Ventura? Further confirms what I said four years ago that he was a fake Green. Also, per the shenanigans behind trying to get him the Green nomination then, though he's making the right noises, I don't see him as running as No. 2 to anybody.

Oh, and yes, "Jesse the Body," because I remember well from 2020 that his dudebros hate that.

Maybe he's using the new press notices to try to triangulate to get No Labels' prez nomination?

In addition? Don't forget that vice-presidential shortlists are an exercise in political PR. 

Also, per that "shenanigans" link, it's when I lost the last shred of respect for the GP. More here from 2021. Well, the last shred before realizing that Jill Stein was running as a three-time retread who hasn't divested her 2016 oil, tobacco and defense stock-laden mutual funds.

As for Bob Jr? If he's looking for younger voters, he'd be FAR smarter to go with Rodgers. Let us note that, in an election cycle where many voters are worried about the age of both duopoly candidates, Ventura is himself a few years older than Bob Jr and in his 70s. (Bob Jr. just turned 70.)

That said, the degree to which the DNC instantly bashed it is a sign of being afraid.

Per this piece, it's interesting that Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul and Andrew Yang were all contacted and all said no. Andrew Yang? He's a Zionist supporter, yeah, but not an antivaxxer. Rand Paul's still a loyal Republican. Why either were contacted, I don't know. Tulsi? Maybe a bit more of a shot there, but speaking of vice-presidential shortlists, I think she's still smoking the crack that says she MIGHT be on Trump's. Update: Fucking Tony Robbins? Is he the Veep candidate to make Bob look sane?

As for Veep qualification levels? With Kamala is a Cop and her various babblings as Biden's wingman (except when she wanted to do a mild bit of semi-truth telling on Gaza and Team Biden cut her off), the DNC doesn't have a lot of complaining room.

That said, Rodgers is also a Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist. That's one thing I'm pretty sure Ventura also is not. Update: Rodgers is saying "taint so," and also in an update at the original link. Could this be #BlueAnon operatives? The first source CNN cited, Pamela Brown? Veteran MSM journalist. Daughter of John Y. Brown and Phyllis George. John's daddy was a Democratic congresscritter. His one son, III, was Kentucky Secretary of State as a Dem. Given that Democratic national talking heads have already promised a robust effort against third-party and independent candidates .... and we'll just leave that there. (My thoughts on that here.)

Since the second source has anonymity, I don't know if they have a possible political angle or not. But, the fact that they've been allegedly been harassed before? Discomfiting if true.

Update: Rodgers is also a conspiracy theorist about weirdly "esoteric" (within the conspiracy theory world, that is) things.

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