
June 08, 2022

Ukraine, Week 12: Biden wants to "renormalize" MBS, but still won't push peace talks? But, he DOES say "land for peace"

MBS is of course Saudi Arabia's "scary motherfucker" (per Phil Mickelson) de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. President Biden says nothing is set in stone, but is planning on visiting Riyadh.


“I have been engaged in trying to work with how we can bring more stability and peace in the Middle East and there is a possibility that I would be going to meet with both the Israelis and some Arab countries at the time – including, I expect, would be Saudi Arabia, would be included in that if I did go,” Biden said Friday near his beach house in Delaware.

But, you can't bring more stability and peace to Eastern Europe by pushing for comprehensive peace talks between Putin and Zelenskyy?

By the way, MBS is a scarier motherfucker than Putin. 

Then, of course, there's this round of bullshit.

“I’m not going to change my view on human rights,” Biden said, “but as President of the United States, my job is to bring peace if I can, peace if I can, and that’s what I’m going to try to do.”

Biden's also not going to change his view on Zionism and throwing Palestinians under the bus (which MBS also does, more surreptitiously).

Yes, the trip is being postponed, but that's because it's being wrapped into larger foreign policy travel. Biden's going to go to Spain and Germany to strong-arm them on arms for Ukraine. C'mon.

And, Blue Anon goes blowin in the wind with Biden. Duopoly tribalism. That said, Kamala is a Cop remains even more incoherent.


That said, on Saturday, Biden did officially say Ukraine needs to consider "land for peace." It's the first time, as far as I know, he has explicitly said that.

So, a few questions:

  1. What took him this long to utter that publicly?
  2. Will he actually push for peace talks?
  3. Will he cut off or at least slim down the arms bazaar if Zelenskyy gets truculent (which is quite possible)?
  4. How's he going to sell this to the rest of NATO?

Two questions beyond peace talks in the narrow sense:

  1. How does he square this with wanting to overthrow Putin a month ago?
  2. Is this a sign of "incoherence"?

And, one question you know the answer to:

  1. Does "land for peace" apply to Israel, too?

Of course not.


Per Jessica Wildfire, the capture of Mariupol and its Azovstal steel operation cost Ukraine FORTY PERCENT of its steel production. Its troops aren't trained to use the advanced arms the Fraud supported selling them. The ruble has rebounded "to become the world's best performing currency so far this year" before a late May slide, with Chinese help. Putin holds the world wheat hostage. Isn't it time for peace talks? And, this is why Kissinger said they need to start by the middle of July. Merikkka won't care after that.


Reuters explains just how much the war is wrecking wheat prices.

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