
September 28, 2021

Texas progressives look at Paxton's fraudit and more

So, Kenny Boy Paxton is just "happening" to do election audits on some of Texas' biggest and bluest counties? But, why not Tarrant? Maybe the GOP thinks that would be too obvious of a #fraudit or else that it can't be redeemed? 

In other news about him, Kenny Boy is claiming he's not a public employee and therefore immune from state whistleblower law. It's a novel defense, even coming from him; state appellate judges do not appear to be laughing. 

Meanwhile, the Observer interviews former Ranger Chris Callaway, who describes how the state's public integrity law hamstrings investigations in various ways, not to mention how few the number of Rangers are who do this on a full-time basis.

R.F. O'Rourke, still not a declared gubernatorial candidate despite new monging of rumors earlier this month, nonetheless is acting like one in one way, namely, shivving the potential opposition. He says of the also undeclared Matty McConaughey that "I don't know how he feels about any of these issues." Translation: Beto-Bob thinks Matty is uninformed on some, and even more a ConservaDem than him on others, and he's going to start smoking him out.

At the Monthly, after starting with a head fake describing the run-up to the 2014 campaign of Wendy Davis vs. Abbott, without naming the year or the person, C.D. Hooks says R.F. is the least bad candidate  Dems and perpetual loser Gilberto Hinojosa could field. He then notes Abbott will be a tougher foe than Havana Ted Cruz was in 2018, should R.F. indeed enter the race.  

SocraticGadfly, with some help from an Arkansas hospital chain CEO punks the fetal stem cell crowd, going beyond religious exemptions for COVID vaccines and to elements of the "pro-life" movement in general.

Rep. Lyle Larson is trying to prove, or pretend, he's not quite a total wingnut on abortion. He'll fail. He already is. He already has.

Off the Kuff crunches some more 2020 Congressional data to see how much things have changed since 2012.

Stace reminds us of what is really happening on the border: A human rights crisis.

Sanford Nowlin observed how quiet many businesses have been since the "heartbeat" law was passed.

Space City Weather suggests that hurricane season is likely over for Texas.

Michelle Davis outlines her claims on how she thinks Beto can beat Greg Abbott.

The Great God Pan Is Dead has more fall art to look forward to.

Houstonia welcomes Top Chef to Houston.

Bitcoin mining in Big Spring is just another example of what's wrong with Texas today.

West Coast port congestion and its supply chain problems will probably last a while as, unlike in Europe, different parties can't get on the same page re 24 hour operations and similar issues. Ahh, late stage American capitalism, hoist by its own petard.

Amazon is officially lobbying for federal legalization of marijuana.

For various reasons, car crash fatalities have INCREASED during COVID.

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