
February 04, 2021

Texas Progressives: the Pelosi honeymoon is over


Whether or not Movement for a People's Party was trying to game some things with "Force the Vote," the Democratic Congressional establishment is trying to game things with their priority bill by designation, HR1. David Bruce Collins notes that it would (if it actually lives up to that) cut, but not eliminate, so called dark money from races but ONLY at the expense of third-party matching funds, making that MUCH more difficult. He notes other problems with HR1 besides that.

Jimmy Dore has channeled his inner Caitlin Johnstone and red-black alliance wet dreams to try to normalize Boogaloo Bros. fellow travelers.

More evidence is coming in on the coordination of the Capitol riot.

Mark Pitcavage explains the history of the word "sheeple".

SocraticGadfly explains why he is totally on board with the pending trade of Nolan Arenado to the St. Louis Cardinals.


Texas Dems have run two real Hispanics for gov in the past 20 years, and they were two two biggest flops in that time, as Loopy Lupe Valdez well underperformed other Dems running for statewide race in 2018, and in 2002, Tony Sanchez turned out to be a former Republican donor. So, instead, maybe Dems will run a fake Hispanic in 2022, as Billy Bob Beto, aka Robert  Francis O'Rourke, has indicated interest in challenging Strangeabbott. And, of course, Beto's a Pander Bear and other things.

Rep. James White, who has an R. last initial, wants TDCJ to rename prisons that are named after former slaveowners and other racist types. It's a start. How about decriminalizing pot next? Or ending arrests for Class C misdemeanors, to further the spirit of Sandra Bland-based reform?

Thanks to the Innocence Project, Rosa Jimenez is finally free (and not deported, either).

Wind energy is nice, but what do you do with all the old blades, which aren't really recyclable? The Observer looks at options.

Ted Cruz supports a constitutional amendment to term-limit senators. Anybody really expect him to voluntarily not run in 2024? (Actually, it's possible he tries to get the prezzie nomination again; it's also likely he fails again.)

Grits for Breakfast expresses cautious optimism about new Travis County DA Jose Garza. Grits also has a roundup of criminal justice issues.

Off the Kuff examines a couple of polls about current political attitudes in Texas.
Loren Steffy observes that the oil industry didn't do so well under Donald Trump.  
Reform Austin reports from the first Senate Special Committee on Redistricting meeting. 
Jef Rouner calls for a MAGA ban at fan conventions. 
North Texas

Jenna Ryan, the new Shelley Luther, may face a tougher time grifting for (alleged) legal defense money.

As of the weekend, we were up to seven arrested Capitol insurrectionionists from North Texas.

I agree with TPWD and remain doubtful that it was a mountain lion that killed a Hood County man. Related? I've seen way too many Texans claim to have seen a cougar/mountain lion/panther when almost certainly you saw a bobcat. You're 10 times more likely to see a bear in Texas, and yet, nobody actually claims to see one.

Walmart's bringing robot-fueled warehouses to two North Texas stores to fill pick-up orders, and Kroger is converting one Dallas store to clerk-free. Both are brought to the table by COVID, but likely would have happened soon enough anyway.

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