
December 04, 2020

Tulsi Gabbard officially in Pander Bear territory

First, a reminder that I'm not a duopolist.

Second, a reminder that I've known about Tulsi the Islamophobic Hindutva-fascist for almost 5 years now.

Third, a reminder that I've warned about her Kool-Aid in general for almost a year, which includes her speaking at a John Hagee conference and otherwise palling up to neocons.

So, in light of two and three, I can call out her worries about the First Amendment before the Supreme Court's totally wrong Nov. 30 ruling against Gov. Cuomo as bullshit.

There you are.

And, I can also specifically tell her and her Twerkers HOW it's bullshit:

There you are.

Meanwhile, her defenders include one of Max Blumenthal's allegedly outside the box stenos at Grayzone.

There you are.

And I can respond:

There you are. (That said, Omar does appear to have a cozy relationship, and it is questionable. But, this ain't a zero-sum game, Alex. Nice try but a big old fail.)

The reality is, as the late Robert Fisk cogently observed, linked in this blog post about her, Tulsi, like The Donald, appears to love authoritarians in general. And, by her own Congressional votes, she actually loves Moar Nukes and other warmongering.

Final blow(s), or confirmation of her being a Pander Bear?

First, her telling Trump to veto the NDAA unless it kills Second 230 of the 1990s telecommunications bill.

Second? This:

What more is there to say.

What I really don't get is why many left liberals, and some leftists, think she's so picked on. I can accept that many think she's attacked for the wrong reasons. But, that's because establishment Dems have already drunk her Kool-Aid and think she's not on the reservation.

Final issue is that for the left-libs, this a twosiderism issue, especially when used to attack the people who attacked Sheepdog Sanders from within the Democratic Party establishment. For people like Alex Rubenstein and other stenos, it's just waters-muddying whataboutism.

As for alleged Dems on Twitter looping in Dan "Bong Man" Bongino to talk about her as the best hope of Dems in 2024? I wouldn't be totally surprised to see her launch a GOP presidential run in 2028, or maybe even four years earlier.

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