
July 18, 2020

So Andrew Sullivan HAS faced the #CancelCulture music
and boo-hoo for his racist bear behind

Without using either the word "fired" or the word "quit," racism apologist Andrew Sullivan announced yesterday he is leaving New York Magazine and bringing back his old Sully Dish blog, this time on Substack. It will eventually, it appears, be a paid model, not his old tip jar.

And, no, I won't pay for seeing the train wrecks and cheap LOLs.

If you want to be polite, call him a racialist, not a racist. Basically, a racialist presents pseudoscientific information he claims is actually scientific in defense of his racism. Or, he or she, to look at it another way, is a white-collar racist who doesn't let their pinky touch the teacup while spouting such drivel, as I noted in a review of Bell Curve 2.0, followed by interviewing a critic.

He is also a conservative, despite his use of the phrase "classical liberal." Mark Ames offered up a lot of those goods on him. (I wouldn't call him a European libertarian, and certainly not an American one.) Per Ames, he'll probably milk the cultists for half a million again, as he did at the founding of Sully Dish.

He's also a liar about other things, as I noted when he said atheists are really religious.

Remember how he was an idiot on Trig Palin, even as the case by "Audrey" unraveled? (I'll admit, per that link, that her trip to Dallas and the rush back not just to Alaska but to Mat-Su Regional Hospital was TRES weird. Especially with her and First Dude Todd getting divorced, I stand by the idea that the best "solution" is Todd ain't the dad.)

Or, 18 months ago, when he uncritically fellated the Kovington Katholic Kids?

Anyway, Sully got a few Tweets blasted his way last night, so let's drop them here, too.

Just a short thread. Let's start at the top, a nickel version of what's above.
At one time, I called him a "racialist, per the above. But, since he's dropped his warmongering over Iraq and even apologized for that, and for some other things, other than perhaps Trig Palin, but NOT for this, I put my pinkie on my coffee mug and call him a racist.

Then there is this one, claiming that the MSM was becoming ever more intolerant toward the right:
Hell, among "mainstream opinion media," The Nation is as far left as it goes. And it won't run actual leftism or actual non-duopoly political comment.

Third tweet:
I've already written about Singal's hypocrisy on the Harper's letter, and Matt Taibbi's ridiculous stanning for Tom Cotton, and Lee Fang by sidebar.

The last tweet needs context, so I'll pull-quote from Sully's piece:
Some have said that this good-faith engagement with lefty and liberal readers made me a better writer and thinker.
Yeah, sure!

So, here we go:
Otherwise? Saying most of academia has bent its knee to the "woke program"? Sounds like drivel from Jonathan Haidt, another signer of that Harper's letter.

And, per an update on my blog post about that letter? Sully's butthurtness definitely confirms Pankaj Mishra and Nathan Robinson. What people like him are really upset about is they can't blather unchecked any more.

 That said, of course, we're getting only Sully's side. The mag is staying quiet for legal and other reasons. Sully isn't going into more detail, perhaps also for legal reasons. And, I'm not fishing through a staff directory then Twitter, for other angles.

Meanwhile, Matt Taibbi has also started stanning for Sully, including claiming he's not a racist. Pretty much no Overton Window that Matt won't go slouching toward now, eh? As I said on Twitter:
There you go, Matt. As for Matt's comment about the Harper's letter, it's his latest Substack piece. It's about 20 percent real concerns about SJW issues, about 30 percent overblown concerns and about 50 percent total bullshit.

Update: Yes, there is one other angle. The Wall Street Journal reports coronavirus is hitting NY Mag and parent Vox hard, and NY Mag and Vox overall have laid off bundles. Maybe Andrew Sullivan had become an overpriced luxury.

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