
March 11, 2020

Texas Progressives — contamination-free version

Texas Progressives hope Ted Cruz gets healthy — and stays totally quiet while in his coronavirus quarantine cocoon, while wishing that other wingnuts like Matt Gaetz had at least this level of common sense on occasion.

In the meantime, dig into the contamination-free version of the Texas Progressives roundup.

State coronavirus

A Frisco coronavirus case is reportedly the first in the state contracted domestically.

There will be NO SXSW this year. With more and more vendors already pulling out over coronavirus fears, Austin Mayor Steve Adler pulled the plug. More on economic impact from Texas Monthly; Austin Chronicle notes that it was NOT insured for an occasion such as this, which will add to the economic impact. The alt-weekly adds that (in part because of this) that organizers didn't want to pull the plug themselves, nor did they want the city to do it. Up in Dallas, before the plug was officially pulled, Jim Schutze thought the idea was going too far. Since this post went up, the Houston Livestock Show also bit the dust, while the NBA seasons of the Mavs and Rockets, along with the rest of the Association, were put on hold.

Too much? I think largely indoor events with large crowds maybe do need this level of concern. Largely outdoor events, especially as weather warms? Probably less concern.


SocraticGadfly says that, contra past fearmongering by Greg Abbott, and contra recent bad reporting by Atlantic based on worse reporting by the Dallas Snooze, Texas is not being Californicated.

The Observer says gentrification is making central cities look like each other and the cookie-cutter suburban subdivisions that surround them.

The idiots following the wrong route — and possibly indulging real estate grifting in Roans Prairie — for high-speed rail in Texas claim they could begin construction by the end of the year. I've blogged about real-estate grift in Dallas, as well as in Roans Prairie, and more, long ago.

The Dixie Chicks are back.

 Rick Casey reminds us that Texas was the first Southern state and the ninth in the nation to ratify the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote.

Texas politics

The Texas Democrat (sic) Party is so butt-hurt over various things that it's suing the Secretary of State to restore straight-ticket voting. Per Ballot-Access News, ignoring the stupidity of a U.S. District Court in Michigan, it has no leg to stand on. In any case, get in line behind real voting issues lawsuits, like the Greens and Libertarians over HB 2504 and related. Kuff reviews the filing and offers his own thoughts. Note to state Dems: If Kuff ain't doing handsprings over it, it's a turkey for sure.

Flying under my radar, Ryan Sitton got upset in the GOP primary for his Railroad Commission seat. Jim Wright is still a Rethug, but if he holds off whatever Doink wins the runoff to face him, it can't be but an improvement, at least at initial glance.

Paradise in Hell is enjoying the fight between Dan Patrick and George P. Bush over the Alamo.

Kenny Boy Paxton's PAC has taken money from Juul even while the state is now suing it.


Rent-a-Center got busted for conspiring with competitors, but got a slap on the wrist.

Sheriff's deputies were busted for looting at a store they were guarding that was wrecked by last fall's tornado.

John Wiley Price's hand-picked serf from a decade ago to run Dallas County Elections officially admits screwing up.


Dos Centavos explores the strange story of The Ghost of HD142.

Craig Hlavaty finds the four nerdiest items in Houston.

Durrell Douglas documents how #ProjectOrange is helping inmates at the Harris County Jail exercise their right to vote.


In Brains' presidential check-in, he, like many alleged pergressives on Twitter in the previous week, bemoans the DNC throwing elbows at Tulsi without talking about who Tulsi really is. I had thought of changing my featured post away from the Tulsi Kool-Aid one, but as long as the likes of Brains and JV Graz are pouring it, it stays up until she officially leaves the race. No, she's not a Putin puppet; she's a Hindutva harridan. Some of her stanners know this and ignore it; many are just ignorant, period.

And, Mini Tuesdasy, Second Tuesday, or whatever one calls it? It seems to have confirmed the Super Tuesday narrative that Bernie can't get out the vote — and that specifically, he can't get out the youth vote. I had a brief discussion with one stanner Tuesday morning, who said "but all those youth at rallies." I didn't directly use the word "slacktivism," but I think that's some of what we're seeing. Worse for Sanders? Exit polls in Michigan had Biden beating him among whites without a college degree. He's in trouble. Period.

Also on Second Tuesday? Andrew Yang proved himself to be Just.Another.Politician.™ by endorsing Biden. I laughed on Twitter at Yang Gangers. The "Math" man kind o flunks with the claim that Biden is the prohibitive favorite. And, Mr. UBI touter flunks the idealism test that he let loose in the Yang Gang suckers.

Ted Rall actually enters blind squirrel finding acorn territory, or does better than that. He says part of Sanders' problem was "framing." He may be right; did "Medicare for All" captivate that many? That said, he's not all right. I'm unaware of the MSM attacking Bernie for talking about GOTV problems with youth. Both he and Jacobin caution not to write Sanders off yet. But, the Jacobin piece has no problem writing off "ill-fated third party attempts." I told Howie Hawkins he needs to talk to the author, a fellow Teamsters rep.

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