
April 25, 2019

TX Progs salute Earth Day, offer Lege updates

Texas Progressives hope you had a "good" Earth Day and are serious about doing something concrete not aspirational about it.

Here's this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff reviews some Senate election data from 2018 to make some postulates about 2020.

SocraticGadfly has a trifecta of posts about hot recent news. When the Mueller Report was released, he offered up a non-twosiderism take about what it said and what it didn't. When Beltway stenos and The Resistance refused to let go of collusion etc., he called them out in a follow-up. Earlier, after Julian Assange's arrest, he gave a non-twosiderism assessment of the history leading up to that.

And here are some posts of interest from other blogs and news sites.

The Texas Observer discusses SB 9 and other attempts to restrict Texas voting. (NPR notes that other Rethuglican-controlled state governments are considering similar laws.)

Robert Rivard bemoans the continual lack of interest in San Antonio municipal elections.

The Tribune reports on new “tent cities” about to open for detained illegal immigrants.

For better AND for worse, the Metroplex is estimated to have led the nation’s metro areas in 2018 growth.

The Trib also reports on how Plano State Rep. Jeff Leach, a Republican himself, is facing unspecified security threats for not letting Tony Tinderholt’s nutbar bill criminalizing all abortion to leave his committee. 

Brains updates his 2020 weekly presidential thoughts, focusing on some “downballot” Democrats.

Juanita remains the go-to source for Louie Gohmert news.

Dan Crenshaw is doing his best to catch up to Louie Gohmert, aka Gohmert Pyle, as Texas' most nutbar congresscritter.  Wardah Khalid also calls out Crenshaw's hypocrisy. More establishmentarian Rethug Roger Williams decided to throw his hat in the nutbar ring too. 

How National Dems at the DNC suck, Part 101: Lotsa "power brokers" tried to get Lil Joe Kennedy to run for Prez

BuzzFeed’s Anne Helen Peterson gets Waco more correct than she did Beto when she talks about the rise of the cult of Chip and Joanna Gaines.  That said, she does still give them, and some aspects of Waco, a bit of a pass. She also ignores Bernard and Audre Rapoport’s history in Waco. How you can do that even while mentioning a Rapoport Academy I have no idea.

(In a Twitter exchange, to one of two separate tweets, in all fairness, Peterson said a lot of stuff ended on the cutting room floor, and it was a long read. I encouraged her to do something else, even if it doesn't fall under her "culture" gig, about the history of the Texas Observer, as few non-Texans know about it. In fairness for me, she didn't respond to the other Tweet, and she never responded to any of my Tweets last fall about her Beto Bromance, which has led to my skepticism about her writing in general.)

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