
January 30, 2019

TX Progressives salute airport workers for shutdown end
and offer this week's roundup

The Texas Progressive Alliance salutes Speaker Nancy Pelosi (or "Speaker Pelosi", as we call her) airport workers using their labor powers for getting Donald Trump to fold in the shutdown fight as it brings you this week's roundup. (This outpost already called bullshit on “Pelosi did it” on Friday evening, Mr. Kuff. Sorry.*)

Off the Kuff kept up with the Census lawsuit news, now being fought in two courts.

SocraticGadfly had two different pieces on just how real and how strong the national "jobs miracle" is. First, if as much as half of Internet traffic is fake and bots, then how "real" are many Internet-driven jobs such as SEO marketing? Second, he advised people not to believe semi-legend pieces about the ease of job-hopping. The reality is different; it's driven by IT-tech jobs, followed by sales, and doesn't apply if you're over a certain age.

And here are some posts of interest from other news sites and blogs.

Raise Your Hand Texas highlights some of the many public school choice options available to Texas students and families.

TJ Mayes argues for a smoke-free policy in San Antonio's parks.

John Coby has some advice for would-be office seekers.

Therese Odell celebrates the long-overdue arrest of Roger Stone.

Stephen Young invites you to watch Ted Cruz get called out by a fellow Senator for his hypocrisy on government shutdowns.

The Texas Living Waters Project writes about reforesting stream banks.

On Twitter, the Texas Trib calls bullshit on the Texas Secretary of State’s insinuations about vote fraud.

The Texas Observer links Congresscritter Louie Gohmert and state Sen. Bob Hall to the same white nationalist types that Iowa Congresscritter Steve King loves.

The Texas Observer also also talks to border-county sheriffs about border security and immigration issues.

Jim Schuetze profiles the nutters opposing Dallas police reform, but also questions agenda-pushers on the other side who aren't accepting empirical evidence.


Kuff's work on the roundup is appreciated, and I often go with his intro. I have edited it at times in the past, but always quietly. This was simply too egregious, though; it is a verbatim repeat of centrist Dem blogs and online news sites.

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