
September 14, 2024

The complex world of being a medical resident in an anti-abortion state and wanting to learn how

Politico's magazine has an in-depth story about a doctor deciding to seek out just such training, and all the work involved. It shows that a cram course, while certainly better than nothing, simply isn't what ob/gyn doctors could get anywhere 20 years ago, and still can in pro-choice states today. 

Also per the story, the post-Dobbs landscape for women unlike this doctor, who can dodge dodgy residencies, is going to change in anti-abortion states, who will lose doctors.

That's even as a New Mexico, under direction from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, builds an abortion clinic in southern New Mexico specifically for Texas women above all else. And, the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center noted that part of the reason for it is to improve residency opportunities in southern New Mexico.

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