
September 23, 2024

Greens, like Democrats, don't own my vote

I've said this before occasionally on Twitter, but, I'm not sure I've devoted a blog post entirely to it. (I did hint at it in a blog post a couple of weeks before the 2020 election, but didn't get this explicit.)

It's time, especially because a lot of them don't get it.

Green fans and stanners, and party thought leaders, reacting adversely to my post about Jill Stein's Veep selection clusterfuck, or months ago, to my post about her ethical hypocrisy on finances, have made it time. 

This sets aside Greens not wanting to discuss vaccines and public health, science vs pseudoscience on 5G [it was 4G before that] and other things.

Democrats, of course, assume that they "own" all votes left of Republicans, and it's one of the biggest, most irksome, #BlueAnon things they do. As many others, as well as I, have called them out, they don't own any non-duopoly leftist votes at all. Hell, they don't even "own" librul votes. But they sure don't own leftist ones.

Greens of the type I mentioned above, stanners and party thought leaders, act as if the Green Party is the only party of the left, and that therefore they own my vote.

Just as untrue as it is with Democrats.

And also?

Just as off-putting.

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