
August 02, 2024

Texas "pergressuve" bloggers and the downfall of Dementia Joe

Two weeks ago, I blogged about Susan Glasser, presumably representing a whole class, exemplifying DC media insiders pointing fingers at each other for not reporting the facts early on about Dementia Joe. 

The reality, per Jeff St. Clair, is those facts were available back in 2021.

For the last three years, Biden has been so befuddled and inarticulate that his staff has kept him from meeting with the House Democratic Caucus about legislative issues. The president’s deteriorated condition became obvious to House Democratic leaders in October 2021, when Pelosi invited Biden to the HIll to make the pitch for his infrastructure bill. But, according to reporting by the Wall Street Journal, “in 30 minutes of remarks on Capitol Hill, Biden had spoken disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers…After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi told the group she would articulate what Biden had been trying to say.”

There you are. (Shouldn't the Pergressuve Cucks like AOC point fingers at Pelosi?)

Or, per other blogging by me, that they were available in 2019, per Julian Castro.

But, per St. Clair, many BlueAnon pergressuves preferred to be like Ken Burns:

Ken Burns: “History recognizes actions that are bigger than self. Joe Biden will go down as one of the great ones, having led the country out of the disastrous term of his predecessor and quietly doing good things for all Americans, red state as well as blue, accomplishments that put him up there, in terms of legislative action, with LBJ and FDR. Joe, I can’t imagine where we’d be without your selfless service.”

I've talked before about Burns and American exceptionalism, calling him America's "Empire whisperer." This is no surprise.

Timothy Snyder was even more unctuous on Twitter.

And, people like Charles Kuffner (who still ignores Gazan genocide, as I commented there, albeit belatedly due to vacation) were the same as foot soldiers.

He simply regards himself as a scrubbeenie, as is clear in his post about Biden's announcement, complete with his accepting Monkey-Wrencher Joe's blanket endorsement of Kamala is a Cop without saying "wait a minute."

As for claims by Kuff's followers that he focuses on local items? Bullshit. He links to national news in his weekend link dump and what he rounds up for the Texas Pergressuve Alliance. So, bullshit.

The reality about the Cop?

First, claims she tried to soften up Genocide Joe on Gaza were shown last week to either be lies, or else something she discarded as political detritus. In either case, per St. Clair, she's a "Cop" on pro-Palestinian protestors now. She's now OK with fracking, too.

And, not every pergressuve, including not every identitarian, is OK with her. See here.

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