
August 01, 2024

Brainworm Bobby showing slippage to Kamala is a Zionist Cop

So says The Hill.

A few takeaways.

First? He's been slow to pivot to the post-Biden Democratic world. That, in turn, makes one wonder about the seriousness of the brainworm level.

Second? The money tap is slowing down. And, apparently, Veep choice Nicole Shanahan has not, as of now, offered to open the tap to more personal spending, nor have their been reports of RFK Jr opening the spigot on his sliver of the Kennedy family fortune (if much of that didn't go up his nose 30 years ago).

Third? By not ruling out officially lying down in bed with MAGAts, to riff on the old phrase, he's kneecapping what bits of appeal he has to some independents who really hoped for an actually independent campaign and aren't leftist. I guess the Mises Mice are also in the Trump crab bucket in places where they can't kick Chase Oliver off the Libertarian Party ticket.

More, as prompted by Independent Political Report, to whom I sent the link from The Hill.

Beyond Brainworm Bobby being slow to pivot, the fundraising partnership with the Libertarian Party, mentioned in the story, and detailed further at IPR, is interesting on multiple counts.

First, will the LNC eventually gut it, re the pushback? 

Second, will RFK Jr actually get that much money from it? 

Third, until his next round of federal numbers reporting deadlines hit, will he lie about it, like Winger reported at BAN him lying about getting the most signatures of any independent candidate in history?

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