
August 23, 2024

After the fact "livestream" of Brainworm Bobby becoming "Wasted Space" by dropping out

First, to take the new header I added to Wednesday's piece when this was hinted?

Endorsing Trump IS the functional equivalent of dropping out, even if he never says the magic words "I'm dropping out," either today or any time before Nov. 5. 

And, he has officially "suspended."

Per that logical sage, Mr Spock: "A difference that makes no difference IS no difference."

No "suspended" campaign has ever unsuspended. (Perot did a full drop-out in 1992 before re-entry.)

Other than ego, the only reason he may not utter that magic phrase today is Federal Election Commission money sitting out there for which he should remain eligible.

Also, no campaign that has endorsed another candidate has ever "unendorsed."


OK, without actually embedding Tweets, here's selections from what I tweeted.

First, arguably the worst part, beyond his various hypocrisies? The shit-ton of Camelot bullshit he spread all over the place. And he spread it thick.

As far as "my late uncle" and his honest campaigns? Let's dig up Richard Daley and all the Chicago tombstones that got voted, and ask Tricky Dick how honest a campaign Jack ran.

Let's dig up the $1 million or so in 1960 dollars that your grandpa got delivered to West Virginia sheriffs as "walking around money" before that primary. Let's then dig up Hubert Humphrey and ask him how honest of a campaign your uncle ran.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Wasn't worth wasting more time.


Then there was Conspiracy Theory Bobby. That was with statements that the DNC threatened to arrest him, and also Trump, over ballot access issues. 

A. No such thing happened.

B. It was clear the mask had slipped BADLY at that point by him pretending he was running alongside Trump.


Then, in today's world, worse than that or the Camelot bullshit? There's the gaslighting, lying, hypocritical bullshit on one issue, claiming that he's antiwar.

We all know that Brainworm Bobby is just as much a genocidalist on the Israel-Hamas War as Donald Trump, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Fuck off, lying piece of shit.

(Sidebar: Claudia de la Cruz will officially be on the Texas ballot. Don't vote Jill Stein.)


Then there was the Crack-Smoking Bobby or whatever. His claim that he could somehow still win a "contingent election" if the Electoral College deadlocked 269-269?

First, you'd get not one vote in the House.

Second, that's not how it works constitutionally. Only candidates who get any electoral votes, if nobody gets a majority, advance to the House in the first place. 


That, in turn, was a subset of Pity Party Bobby. His claims no candidate had ever been treated worse and other stuff? Maybe that was due to some Horse instead of crack?

Tying back to the Camelot era? This was the worst pity party speech by a national-level politico since Tricky Dick's "You won't have Nixon to kick around any more" speech in 1962.


Then there was the stupidity of his Veep nominee, Nichole Shanahan, in the last hours before the announcement. She claimed Antivaxxer Bobby would only endorse Trump if he officially ended Operation Warp Speed. Honey child, he wouldn't do that if you had gotten on your knees and given him your own Operation Warp Speed.


Sidebar per Brainworm Bobby's past? Cheryl Hines, file the divorce papers now and get out while the getting's good.


Sidebar 2: Why would I believe Brainworm Bobby, given all the lies he told Friday, when he claims there's no quid pro quo, when he asked both Trump and Harris for exactly that earlier in the month?

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