
July 17, 2024

Texas Progressives talk Christian nationalism, more

Christian nationalist big biz engaged in vote suppression? Say it ain't so, but ProPublica says it is, with a dissection of the previously unknown to me Ziklag Foundation. Two of the big players I knew: The Greens of Hobby Lobby and the Uihleins of Uline, the office supply company with the tree-killing order magazines.

One I did NOT. That's the Waller family, owner of the Jockey underwear company. So, as tagged on Twitter? They'll be boycotted from here on out. (I buy "off brands" first, then on sale name brands second, on underwear and under-T shirts.)


Via the Trib, Texas Monthly has a longform on new allegations of sexual harassment allegations against state Sens. Charles Schwertner and Borris Miles. Nice for it to be bipartisan. And, no, Danny Goeb as Light Guv and leader of the Tex-ass Senate, you've been "accurately characterized," not "falsely maligned." Per the Monthly, though, it looks at a staffer for one other state senator, not just the currently serving pair, and beyond that, looks at the state Senate's failure to enforce its sexual harassment policy, which is why Danny Boy got himself into such high dudgeon.

It's also got House Speaker Dade Phelan rowing his oar a bit, which also pissed off Danny Boy. 

That said, take note that the Monthly is now paywalling, and dropping this paywall without any advance announcement too (shitheads) you'll not be seeing it in the roundup. No way am I paying, even if it has a loss-leader price of $2 for a basic sub.


SocraticGadfly talked about various problems of overuse of AC, and looks straight here at Texans, whether natives, Californicators or other non-natives.

Texas does NOT require nursing homes to have backup generators in the case of power outages. Maybe, per Dan Patrick, the residents have a duty to die.

Colin Allred pulls a Kuffner and refuses to comment one way or the other about whether or not Dementia Joe should step down.

The Observer has a story on that 15th Court of Appeals, that under-lawsuit statewide appeals court basically created to bypass any metropolitan area appeals court, with the Observer story focusing on environmental issues and suits against TCEQ.

The Fort Worth Report covered the Christian nationalist event at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. Nutters in attendance included Kyle Rittenhouse. The story notes that the city of Fort Worth owns the property and reinstated the event after original cancellation.

Frank Bowman at Slate calls out AOC's SCOTUS impeachment nuttery as, well, TL/DR, as performance art.

#WarmongerJoe, #GenocideJoe, #DementiaJoe and Irish Alzheimer's Joe? Shake your hands with Pander Bear Joe; that's what the rent hike caps is. And, I still say that's why he cut the deal he did with Julian Assange. Beyond that, per the not-so-fine print, this requires Congressional approval anyway.

The Arizona Lege's hard-on for vouchers is melting its budget, even forcing cuts in water infrastructure funding. In Aridzona.

Mondoweiss looks at Cori Bush facing a fake pergressuve in her House Dem primary.

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