
July 08, 2024

Russia-Ukraine update: Chasiv Yar

On Twitter last week, Nat-Sec Nutsack™ types were talking about how Russia's offensive categories were surely dying if it still couldn't capture Chasiv Yar.

Ready to eat those words now, since at least the key part of it has fallen?

Oh, this concept in general is the reverse of the Bush-Obama claims that "we've killed the No. 4 leader" of Taliban/ISIS/ISIL/bin Laden's towelheads, etc. Remember how often we heard those claims? Credit to Trump for reducing that, to the degree his staff even knew what they were doing.

The story goes on to blame "Republicans in Congress." It ignores that, on some key artillery munitions, only one US company, with only one US plant doing the work, makes them, and that it's way behind schedule.

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