
July 02, 2024

Philadelphia Inquirer swings and misses on presidential withdrawal editorial

The Inquirer, in a house editorial touted by the likes of its often-good, but BlueAnon, columnist Will Bunch (see here for my take on him as an author, and here for my take on him as specifically BlueAnon as a columnist), and Blue MAGA shiv slinger Yashar Ali (who's been quiet this year, maybe due to his financial problems), in the wake of Joe Biden's catastrophe at last week's debate, called for Donald Trump to withdraw from the Republican nomination contest.

And, that's the whiff.

Large chunks of the GOP, sotto voce, as well as the Never Trumpers who have spoken out, yes, want an alternative. But, pretending that many Democrats don't want an alternative to Biden is the whiff, part one. Why not call for BOTH to resign? 

Or, since you, I and the kitchen sink know that won't happen, why not call for a MASSIVE #DuopolyExit in the general election? That's the even bigger whiff.

I'm not a wingnut, but this is the dictionary entry for why wingnuts call the mainstream media biased.

And, yesterday, Ted Van Dyk at the WSJ got it non-partisanly right: "Biden Should Withdraw and So Should Trump." If you're wondering who he is? He's a Dem insider back to the days of working for Vice President Hubert Humphrey. As an advisor on the Hump's 1968 presidential campaign, he knows how things play out.

To put it bluntly? That Inquirer editorial was written BY BlueAnon FOR BlueAnon.

As for the Ralph Naders of the world pretending that Hillary Clinton was a clusterfuck as a campaigner? Yeah, Wisconsinites know. Does that make Dementia Joe a genius as a campaigner back in 2020?

Hell no. Ralph's a hypocrite:

And, per the next tweet in that thread, Julian Castro knew the reality five years ago.

Tim Alberta gets it, and since he's a blue check with more than 280 words, I'm quoting the whole damn thing, with link here in case I misposted:

If only others would, too.

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