
July 09, 2024

Libertarian Party shitshow only increases; Alaska fake Green Party horns in

I said this spring that I looked forward to the Green Party further withering on the vine with three-time retread and BDS hypocrite Jill Stein at the top of the ticket, and the Libertarian Party imploding with all of the Mises Mice related fuck-ups before, during and after its national convention.

Well, in Colorado, the Mice have officially nominated Brainworm Bobby, aka RFK Jr., instead of the official nominee Chase Oliver. We know the national committee, led by Angela McAwful, will do nothing legally, unless I'm about to be incredibly surprised. That's in contrast to the national Green Party, which expelled Alaska's GP after the 2020 election for not nominating Howie Hawkins. And, assuming the LP executive committee does nothing? Money aside, I don't think Oliver has the cojones to sue state LPs.

Beyond that, also at Independent Political Report, a leaked document says several LP thought leaders (Mises Mice, I presume) claim extensive election irregularities and are hinting at legal action.

Shock me!

Half of my comment there, after saying something to Libertarian election theft truther Nuña:

(O)n the big picture, I've long envisioned that Libertarianism in general believes lawsuits replace government regulation, so why should individual Libertarians bemoan lawsuits within the party?

Well, it's true!

Beyond Libertarian self-sorting stereotyping, isn't this further reflection on the mismanagement by McAwful? Shouldn't Mice and non-Mice in the LP figure out a compromise candidate and a way to get this person to replace McAwful?


Speaking of disorganized and Alaska? Also at IPR, the decertified Alaska GP has nominated vanity candidate Jasmine Sherman. This is for no other reason to poke the national GP. At the same time, yes, the national GP hasn't gotten anybody to create a nationally-certified state chapter.

That also said, that's not an actual political party AT ALL, contra its original claims. Apparently they got busted, whether by a commenter at IPR besides me, or something else, because they deleted their original Facebook page. The new one? I shit you not: "The Sherman/Blu Bear's Green Party of Alaska Group." With all of TWELVE members! Per Helen Reddy: "I am Blu Bear! Hear me roar!" And yes, I recognize that's the last name of the Alaska Native "Veep" candidate. You're not really, any more than Sherman is the Prez candidate, because you're not a party and you won't get 3,614 petition signatures.

As for Blubear's background? Teh google sez the only Pomo Nation is in California. She could have moved, of course. 

Or, like Sherman, she's a member of another Pomo nation, if you catch my drift.

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