
July 19, 2024

"Biden withdrawing or not" becoming like "Chomsky dead or not", Round 2

Just like a little over two weeks ago, as I discussed then, we're getting dueling headlines and dueling stories, all fueled by dueling leaks, of course, because that's how the MSM in DC (sounds like Madcow Maddow's network, almost, doesn't it?) rolls.


And the AP:

Versus the NYT

And Politico:

Per various of the stories, public House Dem opposition is 30 or more. I think there's three Dem Senators who have said, per Pride's Purge, "For the love of God, leave."

On the other hand, the Congressional Black Caucus and Black Democrats in general are bigly in his corner. And the Congressional Hispanic Caucus's PAC has now endorsed him.

The virtual roll call plan remains in place. Originally, it was to stop pro-Palestinian protestors from making Chicago 2024 into Chicago 1968. Now? It also lets Biden, with his hands on the machinery of the Democratic National Committee, block in-person attempts to stampede the convention. So, unless he drops out before Aug. 7, that remains in place and will not change. Bet on it.

Congresscritters, especially on the House side, have gotten more numerous and frenetic in their "leave" calls. Senators are starting to.

But, governors, who often supply presidential candidates? Silencio. That's because many of them — Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer, California's Gavin Newsom and even Pennsylvania's Josh Shapiro, are getting mentioned as top possibilities to sidestep Vice President Kamala Harris.

My bet? Still 75 percent odds Biden stays in. After this weekend, and beyond.

Finally, if he stays, could Biden get a bounce-back or sympathy vote from oldsters who feel this is all unfair?

1 comment:

  1. Well, my 75 percent odds were way off. Per others, I'm sure the donor class, not the Congresscritter class, pushed him out.


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