
July 12, 2024

A head-fake debate pushed by Jill Stein

Let's look at this "Free and Equal" debate set for tonight, as puffed by Stein in a Thursday email.

TL/DR? Jill Stein loves it because there's nobody to her left that got invited.

People involved?

Christina Tobin is the debate organizer and/or moderator and creator of the Free and Equal Elections Foundation. Not a candidate.

Thomas Massie? Tea Party wingnut congresscritter; not running for prez. Second debate moderator.

Randall Terry? Arguably an anti-abortion terrorist. Past his shelf life. Constitution Party candidate.

Chase Oliver? Nominal Libertarian Party nominee, seeing the sand being washed out from under his feet by various state LPs.

Jill Stein? Investments hypocrite, as regular readers know.

So, why didn't Tobin invite a Claudia de la Cruz of the Party of Socialism and Liberation, even if not at 270 EVs at this time? Many states, like here in Tex-ass, have not yet opened the doors for candidates to get on the ballot as write-in choices. Or, where's the practically invisible Bill Stodden of the Socialist Party USA? And god, is he practically invisible.

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