
June 15, 2024

Yes but, on Trump and Biden lying

This one's for you BlueAnons who complain that the mainstream media treat Diaper Don with kid gloves.

We start with a tweet by Nathan J. Robinson about a NYT article in which he noted it's Dementia Joe that's treated with kid gloves on his lies.

As I noted in both a response tweet and a quote tweet? That Biden claim about first to go to college was not only a lie, it was also plagiarism of British Labor MP and prime minister candidate Neil Kinnock.

Even Snopes, which I dropped from my links list a few years ago for being too BlueAnon, fully details it, including the fact that Biden stayed in denial about it after being confronted:

"I did not intentionally move to mislead anybody. And I didn't. To this day I didn't."

And, that denial was in spite of being confronted with other instances of plagiarism!

So, #PlagiaristJoe, your claim is "Mostly False." So is the spirit of it.

One instance of plagiarism, as known from lawsuits in the music world, might be unconscious.

But, having plagiarized many years earlier in a law school class, gotten busted and gotten failed, then doing it MULTIPLE times after?

About as believable as Slick Willie saying "I did not have sex with that woman." Or, about as believable as head-fish-rotter Mike Dukakis trying to distance himself from the leaks to the press about Biden by his staffers, per a Time backgrounder.

Ditto on the civil rights arrest, which he told in 2018, while comfortably out of office and not running for one, at least officially.

His Naval Academy lie, per that link, is such a whopper it's one that he would have to believe for himself first before thinking other people would believe it. (And, psychologists show that's how we develop our strongest lies — by self-focused practice.) That said, there's potentially a bonus lie about how Biden avoided military service in general at that link.

As for the Biden pull quote? I think he honestly believes that. But, the biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.

Trump, I think in some corner of his mind, knows he's bullshitting and just doesn't care. That doesn't make his lies less bad that Biden's. Or less effective. It does make them more psychopathic in some way.

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