
June 06, 2024

Presidential update, June 6

Yes, it is D-Day, and France's President Macron pissed off other NATO members last month by inviting Russian representatives, though not President Putin, the the 80th anniversary.

As I said on Twitter then to US Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ and their fellow travelers bitching about it? Arguably the US used the old USSR to fight a proxy war in World War II, launching the Normandy invasion only when it was relatively safe. So shut up, mongers of the current proxy war.

Now, to US presidents, and to the US in general, not yet a failed state, but yes, a failing one. (Hold on to both those thoughts, though.)

This was getting long enough, though, that I have extracted third-party and independent candidate information into a separate post.

Ditto on major international elections news.


A late May Quinnipiac poll (registered voters, not restricted to "likelys") shows Genocide Joe with a narrow edge over Donald Duck Trump, an edge that grows if Brainworm Bobby (and other non-duopoly candidates) are in the mix. 

Bigger takeaways, as I told Winger at Ballot Access News? These:

1. Biden needs to play up the hell out of abortion and hope that Kacsmaryk makes another dumb-ass ruling to help him out.
2. Biden needs to hope Bibi actually pretends to listen to him, as Biden pretends to be tough on Bibi.
3. Biden needs to hope Trump is convicted.
4. Yeah, I know US potential voters (poll is of registereds, not likelys) are idiots, and this proves it. Stein is third-party, but she's also a 3-time retread and 70 percent say they still don't know enough about her?
5. Per Walt Whitman, the mind of the average voter contains multitudes, and boy are they stupid.

Yep, snarking away. 


That poll, of course, is before Orange (Jumpsuit?)  Cheetoh was convicted. Will that small minority of Republicans who have said that a Trump conviction would be a game-changer stand by their words, or will it turn out to be nothing but poseuring for polls?


One more poll, also taken before Trump's verdict but likely to be unchanged by it. Among those under the age of 30, support for Genocide Joe is below 25 percent. Brainworm Bobby is now in double figures. Even more, the idea of undervoting (c'mon, kids, look past Brainworm Bobby to the non-Stein left) is surging.


Remember how Mike Dukakis said a fish rots from the head down? How true that is of the Biden Administration and Gaza.

Here's #GenocideJoe himself, in official White House statement, lying about the ICC arrest warrants. And, via the Intercept, arguably he's being bribed to lie about that, to let the IDF continue to commit human rights violations and more.

That's followed by Secretary of State Tony Blinken lying about Palestinian statehood's consequences. Note that Blinken did NOT say "Hamas" or "Gaza." He said "Palestine." Of course, Israel's already strangled the "two-state solution" anyway.

Of course, Blinken's OK with hooking up with Zelensky on UkiNazi turf. Azov Batallion ain't Palestinians.

Meanwhile, last week, GenocideJoe said that Israel's butchery in Rafah had NOT crossed his red line. Breaking: Biden lies like a cheap suit. And, John Kirby, his NSC spox, is rotting just below the head. What an obsequious toady. 


And, at the same time last week, Genocide Joe might have moved into Dementia Joe territory when he gave Ukraine's president, the Zaftig Zelensky, permission to use US weapons inside Russian territory. This is arguably more important than the Trump verdict, BlueAnon. Very arguably.


Biden's also anonymously spying on pro-Palestinian college kids.


#GenocideJoe is now also #CensorshipJoe. Klippenstein has those details, too.


Per Brian Beutler, Biden is a Dum Fuq on Middle Eastern geopolitics. Maybe it's the Irish Alzheimer's including stubbornness along with grudge-holding?


Ed Kilgore is a neoliberal squish, but in the "chess game" world, his "disaster scenarios" piece for Biden and Trump is worth half a read. 


Speaking of? Biden and BlueAnons thinking Trump's conviction will give #GenocideJoe a bump should look at polling in Israel. Karim Khan's announcement of the ICC arrest warrant for Bibi Netanyahu seems to have given him a bump, not top opponent Benny Ganz. Beyond that, it's going to be partially offset, or more, by Hunter Biden's trial.


Half of all self-proclaimed independents think Trump should drop out; that includes two-thirds of "double haters" of both him and Biden. As for voting? About one in ten Republicans say they'll be less likely to vote for him. Of those self-proclaimed independents? Of them, 16 percent more likely, 26 percent less likely, and there you have the clearest indication ever that about half of "independents" are really Rethuglicans or Democraps in drag to some fair degree.

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