
June 21, 2024

Did Peter and Paul get offed internally, by internecine Christian disputes?

Kind of going down the Jesus mythicism route, a Chrissy Hansen appears to be doing Candida Moss (with whom I agree on martyrdoms) on steroids, and claim that 1 Clement talks about internecine Christian battles leading to both Peter and Paul being killed by Christian subgroups.

I think the 1 Clement idea is very interesting, and she even has a video about it. I even think it's plausible. I don't know that it's probable. I'm not saying it's IMprobable, but the OP on this post, talking about it, does raise issues. I've noted elsewhere that I reject traditional dating of 1 Clement, which may be 130-140 CE, so her interpretation, and that of David Eastman to the same end, may be iffy there, too. Eastman offers no suggested date for 1 Clement and appears to accept Tacitus, a very likely interpolation, at face value on Neronian persecution. This started my debate with Ms. Hansen which I have eventually ended. (Also at r/AcademicBiblical, ex-Mormon plumps for a conventional date. Shock, though he does admit the dating I note above, too.)

She also is .... interesting elsewhere. She apparently thinks Shushama Malik is the real deal. I don't. See here for her take. Elsewhere, she gets puffed by KamilGregor, who I don't think a lot of, but, he notes she has NO academic biblical background. See here for publishing CV. Great.

Chrissy Hansen is an example of an independent researcher with no formal degree in Biblical studies and she currently has eight(!) academic publications in Biblical studies listed as forthcoming. In 2022 alone, she managed to publish six journal articles (and in good journals, too).

OK? Not OK. Gregor doesn't disclose that he's a co-author with her at least once. And, given that at least one of the journals is specifically geared to contributions from people with no academic biblical background, how peer-reviewed are they? (One does name Shaye Cohen on the editorial board, but he's one of more than a dozen.) In addition, most are semiannual if not annual. In other words, backwaters. And, as I've written many many pieces about r/AcademicBiblical at my critical thinking blog, "shock me."

As for Malik? Here you go.

The Nero-Antichrist: Founding and Fashioning a Paradigm (Classics after Antiquity)

The Nero-Antichrist: Founding and Fashioning a Paradigm by Shushma Malik
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

A simplistic view of a book that in all likelihood had multiple layers of composition. Assuming an earlier core that was written at the time of Nero, later Christians could have adopted this at the time of Domitian, which is when Nero Redivivus rumors arose.

The author is also illiterate in terms of proper biblical criticism. The word and concept "antichrist" are nowhere mentioned in Revelation. Only the "beast." The word "antichrist," representing a totally different concept, is only in two of John's epistles. And, neither one of those is "the man of lawlessness," found only in 2 Thessalonians. See here for much more detailed discussion.

Beyond my review of Malik, see comments in this archived r/AcademicBiblical thread. 

Academic siloing is sometimes bad, but often good. Shushma Malik is a classicist, not a scholar of biblical interpretation.

And, Chrissy Hansen is neither.

And, she definitely is NOT a "scholar," despite her own claims

Here's a list of the only scholars (and myself) I know who notably interact with Carrier's work

You're not a scholar. I have an undergrad degree in classical languages, which includes biblical as well as classical Greek, and also read biblical Hebrew at that level, and have a graduate theological degree. You're not a scholar, and that's even shown at r/AcademicBiblical, because you have no "flair." See more below.

Next, back to that CV page:

I professionally focus on Creative Writing outside of NT studies. I am currently applying for an MA in Creative Writing, and I hope to eventually teach it. I have edited for creative literature journals and magazines in the past, and I named the “Outstanding SVSU Graduate in Creative Writing” for my work (both in and out of classrooms).

Also, per it, there IS no "Canadian-American Theological Society." There is a CAT Association. Its website is a WordPress blog. I'm sorry, it now says elsewhere on teh Google that it is a society. Big whoop. And, asking people to "advertise with us" on a subvertical? Places like the Society for Biblical Literature never do that.

Back to the not a scholar? S/he (stand by) has no current graduate degree in ANYthing:

I professionally focus on Creative Writing outside of NT studies. I am currently applying for an MA in Creative Writing, and I hope to eventually teach it. I have edited for creative literature journals and magazines in the past, and I named the “Outstanding SVSU Graduate in Creative Writing” for my work (both in and out of classrooms).

And I wasted time arguing with this person. Oh, and shut up.

Carrier? Low-hanging fruit to go after him. No bona fides there. Trying to apply critical thinking while being a polytheist? (Person self-identifies as "pagan," and was from some sort of Methodist or similar background.) "Know thyself" honesty but no critical thinking bona fides.

And, a sidebar .... in the "despite her own claims," the person (not a scholar!) listed is Christopher, not ... Crissy. I'll let you watch the video about 1 Clement. Per many commenters, it's overly long, and presumably fluffed and padded. And, the paganism goes with transgenderism, I guess. No, this person is NOT transsexual, and sex is not gender, and I don't give a fuck what you say, I have Ph.D. biologists and actual critical thinking in my side.

My only question is whether or not to block said person (that's MY pronominal combination) on Reddit.


Note: Political-related issues aside, this is an early version of what expanded into a three-part critique over at my critical thinking site. Part 1 is here.

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