
May 06, 2023

Colin Allred, Beat-0, Gilberto and TexDems SS Minnow, and Lyin Ted

Trust me, as normal, I'll tie this all together.

First of all, Colin Allred is the third-term Metromess  ConservaDem Congresscritter who is the first Democrat officially announced to run against Ted Cruz.

Havana Ted. Or Cancun Ted during Winter Storm Uri. Or Lyin Ted, as a past master and even a conoisseur  of the art of lying, Donald J. Trump, called him.

Lyin Ted claims ConservaDem Colin is part of the radical left that wants open borders, wants to sic new IRS agents on you (and not Ted's rich buddies or some of Colin's) and wants to take your guns. Interestingly, Abortifactant Ted doesn't mention THAT issue — abortion.

Texas Dems were already yesterday touting Colin as the new Beat-0, as I call Pander Bear Beto O'Rourke for Strangeabbott handing his ass to him. Justin Miller at the Observer, per that blogging link, tabbed ConservaDem Colin, a year ago, as an option, though he wasn't the A-lister. I thought about Clay Jenkins; that said, the Dallas County Judge is surely eyeing Colin's seat now.

As for ConservaDem Colin's chances? First, he needs to NOT do the rural red county hokey pokey, unlike Beto the Pander Bear with going out to Muleshoe. Do NOT listen to him. Do NOT listen to his advisors. They're idiots. Also? Do NOT listen to RuralDem county chairs begging for your time. They don't do shit, and Beto was dumb enough to give them the time of day. Rather, beyond urban and suburban counties, he needs to do "exurban" counties of the next ring out from the Metromess, Helltown, Alamo City and Neoliberally Weird Austin. Focus No. 2 should be small to medium actual cities, not towns, primarily in East and Central Texas. I'm talking the Waco-Killeen-Temple triangle. College Station. Tyler. Maybe Lubbock, with Tech, but I wouldn't chase Amarillo. 

THAT's your campaign battleground,and if you stray from it, you're sunk, Colin.

Don't drink the Beat-0 rural Kool-Aid.

Also don't drink the Gilberto Kool-Aid. That's your other boat anchor. The Texas Democratic Party had the chance to get rid of Hefe Gilberto Hinojosa a year ago (although the options weren't fantastic) but took a whiff on shoving him off the SS Minnow. Per that link, you need to reject the idea that demographics is destiny, at least the "Hispanics will turn Texas blue" demographics. Instead, noting that Beto beat Ted in 2018 among Texas native-born, your data-crunchers need to find those people to focus on. IGNORE the Californiators moving here. They're from the libertarian portions of the Bay Area, and the OC nutters who aren't moving to Phoenix. They hate you. 

As for the Texas contingent of BlueAnon on Twitter touting "Straight Talking Beto"? That Pander Bear link has the truth.

And, of course, all of this advice applies to Roland Guitierrez and any other Democrat who enters the primary, if they top Allred.

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