
November 07, 2022

WSJ gets Biden's half-wrong election speech half wrong

Joe Biden's recent election speech has been panned by people slightly to his left, such as Josh Barro, as well as the wingnut right.

Now, the semi-wingnut, or sometime like a wingnut, sometimes not, to riff on Mars brand candy bars, Wall Street Journal weigh in from its opinion page, with the literary trope of Biden must have lost pages from his speech.

Russiagate? More right than wrong. I've always said that Vladimir Putin was too smart to entangle himself with a flighty weathervane like Trump. Trump selling Ukraine weapons that Obama wouldn't (even if he tried to extort info that may be on Hunter Biden's laptop) is additional proof. That said, beyond Russian meddling, before the election, Trump staff provided plenty of bad optics. The New York Times, in its trying to revive Russiagate, gets that part right. There's Flynn. There's Trump calling for more leaks from Assange.

Mike Pence? Has no principles. He stood on the fact that he could only stall something out temporarily if he did support non-certification. 100 percent wrong.

The stuff about Georgia? Most states' new election bills "just happen" to be in the South. Calling Georgia's version Jim Crow 2.0 is something I'm fine with. Saying that makes the midterm "illegitimate"? I'm with the WSJ.

The Stacey Abrams stuff about Georgia? Stacey, if Kemp is re-elected, stop this and do the right thing.


Besides, the REAL stuff missing from Biden's speech is stuff like here, calling for California to junk its top-two election system. Really, all that is is just a smiley-faced version of Louisiana's old jungle primary. But, in states discovering this idea anew, both duopoly parties realize it squeezes independent and third-party candidates out of the general election.

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