
October 21, 2022

Is Warmonger Joe a captive of the deep state on Ukraine?

Such is the thesis of this UnHerd piece, which makes me wonder yet more what I saw in the site when I signed up for updates. (An "updates" subscription, BTW, does NOT grant commenting privileges.)

And, it's another of wrong, or per the old physics mot juste, Not.Even.Wrong. pieces by Thomas Fazi. Fazi claims to be some sort of leftist, but has done nothing to show me that.

Anyway, his claim that Biden has been captured by the deep state, military-industrial complex, whatever, hinges on the recent explosion on the Kerch Strait bridge. Here's Fazi's nut graphs.

The fact that Biden hasn’t ruled out the possibility of meeting Putin at next month’s G20 meeting in Bali — an option he wasn’t willing to consider until recently — also indicates a potential change of strategy on the US administration’s behalf. 
But if this is the case, much will depend on Biden’s ability to stand up to the powerful forces of the US military-industrial complex pushing for the continuation and escalation of the war (as Kennedy had to do during the Cuban missile crisis). Some are even suggesting that the increasingly brazen attacks against Russia — the recent bombing of the bridge connecting mainland Russia to Crimea, likely at the hands of the Ukraine’s SBU security service, for example — might be attempts by America’s pro-war faction to escalate the conflict. 
After all, how realistic is it, as the former congressman Ron Paul asks, to assume that the Ukrainian government and intelligence services were able to conduct these operations behind America’s back? This leaves a couple of possibilities: either the Biden administration is fully on board with these actions, and supports the escalation; or there are elements actively working against the administration to derail any diplomatic solution — it certainly wouldn’t be the first time sections of the US intelligence had gone rogue. Of course, there is also the third possibility: the US has completely lost control of the Ukrainians, who are now engaging in terrorist activities behind the US’s back; it wouldn’t be the first time that had happened either, if we were to consider America’s role in the birth of al-Qaeda, for example.

Well, really?

First, going to the conspiratorial Ron Paul is a flag right there.

Second the bridge was not permanently disabled. The amount of damage that was inflicted signals a Ukraine-only operation, not involving US construction engineers, then sapper-type persons working off their knowledge. More here on the latest information about Russian claims of full repair timetable.

Third, Warmonger Joe himself said publicly, after the war started, that he hoped for Putin's being deposed as an end result. No deep state person had a gun at Biden's head, per White House staff scrambling to walk that back.

So, that leaves only the possibility that Zelenskyy is pushing away. But, that doesn't mean the US has lost control. Yeah, Biden has not fully indulged Zelenskyy's ask on specific weaponry, but Biden and Congress, including the Fraud Formerly Known as the Squad, have granted most of what he's wanted, and have so far refused to tighten the spigot.

Fourth, as for Biden talking to Putin in Bali? Five days ago — later than when Fazi wrote this — Putin said nyet.

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