
September 08, 2022

World progressives news: Renewing the Iran deal, fighting NATO warmongering

James Dorsey has a great piece on all the moving parts involved with a possible renewal of the Iran nuclear deal. Beyond the US, Western allies, Russia and China, it also includes the Gulf Arab states and their anti-Iran animosity, Syria's ties to Iran Turkey and its past and present triangulation off Iran and more. Re Russia, and Chinese tacit support for it, the Ukraine war looms in the background. Dorsey goes from there to talk about the possibility of an even broader regional security pact, including nuclear issues, looping in India and Pakistan. It's a great read.


Knock me over with a feather. After a summer of stonewalling over the issue, as I blogged, including about the degree she risked becoming a dupe of Xi Jinping Thought, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has actually released a report on China, and a condemnatory one. As I Tweeted, let's see Margaret Flowers, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Rainer Shea and others among the running dog lackeys of Chinese imperialism deal with this one. (Waiting to see Counterpunch called a capitalist tool.)


Citizens on the street in the Czech Republic protested last weekend about the current government's strongly pro-NATO stance vis-a-vis that Russia-Ukraine war.


Who wants to see two Canadian pieces of shit, Steve Pinker and Jordan Peterson, exchange fecal transplants in the name of life extension in Toronto? Seriously, I can see why the guy who runs the place avoids words like biohacking, as he's even more full of shit than the normal biohacker?


Sweden, expecting Turkish approval to join NATO so it can mong war against Russia, is obviously expecting a natural gas cutoff or diminishment. Therefore, it's already offering a bailout (don't call it that, it's a "liquidity guarantee") to energy companies. But wait. "Plucky" little Finland is doing the same.

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