
September 21, 2022

Becoming less interested in politics at times ...

First, it took me four years later than Mark Lause, but I too have reached the point that I see the Green Party nationally being past its best-by date. I was already having doubts in 2016 over Stein's second run; the nature of her recount only increased that.

Then, Hawkins 2020 actually got Russia more than half correct, angering some Greens. But, he went totally Aaron Maté, or should I say, totally Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, on Xi Jinping's China, and I just couldn't vote for him.

In Texas, that's followed by 2022 Green gubernatorial candidate Delilah Barrios being a Second Amendment absolutist and also playing footsie with COVID antivaxxers, and I saw more than enough antivaxxer footsie out of Stein.

Add in Twitter on politics becoming ever more #BlueAnon bullshit vs #MAGAts bullshit and I get tired of that.

Meanwhile, related to the first three paragraphs, or especially the second? Twitter is also ever more populated by non-skeptical leftists, or maybe we should just call them pseudoleftists. They sign blank checks for Xi on the Uyghur workers' camps, on the Chinese version of Coca-colonialism with the Belt and Road Initiative and more. Like Hawkins, Flowers and Zeese, they either can't, or won't, step out of the twosiderism box and accept that one can criticize both the US and China. Per LBJ on Jerry Ford, it's really no harder that farting and chewing gum, or farting and walking, at the same time.

That said, I suspect that some of the pseudoleftists on Twitter are paid to not step outside of the twosiderism box on China.

Whether paid shills or not, the one other problem I have is that there is just about NEVER any nuance with China. It's not that China is less wrong, or even a lot less wrong than the US says it is, or than the US is itself. It's that China is NEVER wrong. Of course, among the religion of Marxism, doctrinaire absolutism is part of the game. of course, doctrinaire Marxism is pseudoscience. Hegelian dialectic is crappy as a philosophy and by definition pseudoscientific when used as the basis of any scientific theory, especially economics, arguably in both Marx's time and ours the least scientific of the social sciences. (The replication problem and cheating in behavioral economics only underscore that.)

Add in that, in early August every year, non-skeptical lefists repeat the canard on August 6 and 9 that we dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki just as a warning shot across Stalin's bow. Surprisingly, neither city trended on Twitter this year. Maybe those willful lies or idiocies are starting to fade.

I'll still participate in snarking on Twitter, but, I'm working to move away from electoral and quasi-electoral politics to broader issues. And, that said, Twitter's infosec allegedly sucks donkey dongs.

1 comment:

  1. A year later, the candidacy of Cornel West promises to be better than that of Howie Hawkins, not yet officially announced. It also blocks Dario Hunter from a repeat of the race card, and also blocks the Libertarian "Greens" from crying for a celebrity candidate then offering half-Libertarian Jesse Ventura to fit their bill.

    That said, other than assuming West supports BDS, I still don't know a lot about him on foreign policy. And, the fact that he first planned to run with Nick Brana's grifting Movement for a People's Party still leaves me with lingering questions.


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