
September 12, 2022

A wrap on Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles III, and dollar-store British democracy

Last week, I posted what was not so much, or even close to being, a takedown obit on Elizabeth (though it kind of was on the House of Windsor) as it was a takedown of Americans' weird "royals envy," which I called a class-based, or class connected, version of penis envy

Well, beyond that, I had plenty of HIGH grade snark on Twitter. Here's a roundup, starting with snark, then the camel's hump of seriousness and serious takedowns, then back to snark.




And, in response to a clear Twitter troll, and possibly a second account he runs as well responding to him, claiming that Americans are "geographist" (my words) and hate strong British women because they cried over Betty White's death but not the queen's?

(Dood's own Twitter bio shows him from Chicago, anyway, and besides, my original blog post was all about Americans and royals envy, not royals hating.)

Speaking of, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa faced far more colonizing than did Ireland, or the Northern rump. Elizabeth didn't start any of this, and she reigned not ruled, but, given the source of the jewels in her crown and other things, it's fair to say that she stood on the backs, not of giants, but of colonial plunder.


See above about the British Empire, too. Also note this weird tradition with royal beekeepers. Again, if your democracy depends on a royal family, even if it reigns not rules, with such backgrounds, to uphold it? It's not much democracy. And, weirdly, the allegedly outside-the-box Unherd spent both Friday and Saturday email blasts last week with warnings, woe and boo-hooing about the future of British democracy.



That one was a mix of serious and snark, as is the next:

And, with that, it's back to pure snark.




There you go!

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