
April 21, 2022

Geoff Campbell, the old Miami Gator, is cheesed, but why?

A fauxgressive is exposed, mainly over Zionism, followed by his rebranding, and more recently, his calling the likes of Ryan Knight fauxgressives (in essence) themselves, all while backing various bipartisan foreign policy establishment hackery.

I seem to have cheesed off the old Miami Gator Campbell last night with this tweet.

To which he responded:
 To which I offered this:
(Update, Oct. 29, 2022: He's added "Ashkenazi" back. And, if he dropped the purplish Star of Israel emoji, it's back. If not, he's added it anew. Oh, while I have you on the phone, Ashkenazi is not an ethnicity or even a sub-ethnicity. It's a purely linguistic distinction, or, if you will, a sociological distinction based on a linguistic one, or intertwined with it. Ashkenazi speakers in the Rhineland or descended from them, within sub-ethnicity or sub-sub-ethnicity, have a fair amount of German ancestry, of course, and even some old Roman ancestry. Those in, or descended from, those in eastern Poland, Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine have a fair amount of Slav ancestry and in all likelihood, at least bits of Khazar ancestry. The "Khazar hypothesis," suitably modified and looking at eastern Ashkenazi speakers only, is not totally wrong.)
Then this:
If I have more on the thread, just go there.

Let me add  more things to the original post of last year linked in the tweet two tweets above. Both are related to that Google search last year, in the blog post at my one tweet. First, the Gator isn't the only Geoff Campbell I get when I re-run that "Geoff Campbell" + "BDS" search. Second, even if he were the only one? I'd probably done 10x that many Tweets mentioning BDS counting backward from last August to the start of my Twitter presence on my first account. And, I've done at least 52 since then.

Second, Geoff, why DID you drop the "Zionist" and the "Ashkenazi" from your profile? (AFAIK, the Wayback Machine doesn't capture former versions of a Twitter profile, so I can't offer Stone Cold Steve Austin proof. But he did have that.)

(UPDATE: My guess is that Geoff did this for branding purposes. He knew he wouldn't look pergressuve enough with it on his profile.)

But wait, it gets better. Geoff retweeted this:

Now, this isn't the only person I've seen make this claim. But, you know what? The likes of me as well as Mondoweiss rejects whataboutism on Palestine. And, I don't know what allegedly disgusting politics are being called out.

And, that's followed by Geoff himself doing a callout on someone else, which gives a bankshot of both minimizing Palestinian issues and running the bipartisan foreign policy establishment line on Ukraine.

Shock me. The fact is that Geoff's not given any real interest in Palestinians from anything I've ever seen.


Update, Oct 28: In supporting the Congressional Progressive Caucus' craven groveling on Ukraine, Geoff's showing that he's more and more of a fauxgressive on issues outside Zionism, too. Seriously, it's deep shit. Beyond supporting the Progressive Cock's sellout, he supports Bernie Sanders' support of that, claiming that Bernie continues to fight imperialism when people like me, Jeff St. Clair of Counterpunch and other actual leftists know better. See this long Twitter thread of mine for m ore.

But, as for BDS? Since we know Bernie officially hates it, that's probably part of his appeal to the Gator.

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