
April 07, 2022

Employers ghost people, too, not just employees

But, of course, the capitalist chattering class will never talk about employers doing the ghosting.

I've had it happen before, whether actual ghosting or the equivalent thereof.

On the ghosting, rather than a potential employer not actually show up for a video or phone interview (and obviously, they can't "not show up" for an in-person at their office), my experience here is an employer say they'll call or email me to set up a time for an interview and never do.

Just happened last week. 

Having learned more about the company since I initially applied, my interest rate had dropped and I didn't even bother contacting this person back.

An "equivalent of" version?

Advertising a job, getting bunches of resumes, getting at least some people to comment on salary expectations, then ...

Eighty-sixing those resumes and readvertising the position.

I've had this before, too.

In my past experience, I think the company used the info they'd gathered to try to make a lowball offer to an in-house candidate. Whether that was the "why," or not, as in a deliberate plan, in two cases over several years of job-hunting, I know that's what happened.

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