
February 01, 2022

Coronavirus week 95: Antivaxxers hook up with fascists

Orac has a long read (aren't all of his?) about how COVID has shown fascists (and Proud Boys count as the real deal in AmeriKKKa) have become a bigger and bigger part of the antivaxxer world. He notes this probably started with a California state law in 2015 banning most non-medical vaccine exemption claims for kids. There had been a libertarian strain up until then, but it was more the greenie-, or Greenie-type woo of toxins, etc., he notes.

With that, it shifted to "personal autonomy," "bodily freedom" etc.

Hold on to that, though.

More and more actual Greens have adopted more and more of this language. It's then being steeped and fermented with the toxins idea, plus the "capitalism" claim of some Greens. Not all Greens who decry capitalism are ecosocialists or even close. Many are some sort of communitarian types, or wannabes, who think that at least partial opting out of capitalistic society, rather than moving toward a postcapitalist world, will work.

Meanwhile, it's not just America. Swastikas were on display at the Canadian national antivaxxers march, too. And, I've noted that the exposes Canadian exceptionlism as a fraud.

There's also a big hypocrisy factor in all of this. And that's that fascism actually is NOT going to give you bodily autonomy, of course.


Greenie types will also mix in identity politics with this, and a Rousselian noble savage version of that in saying "But Del Bigtree is American Indian, so he must be right." (High Country News, though not antivaxxer in general nor fascist, has nonetheless, by peddling a woke version of the noble savage idea, and naturalistic American Indian aid for COVID, helped put a respectable gloss on some of this.) And, per Wiki, he's not American Indian. Surely, unless you're so much a conspiracy theorist to believe that Pfizer vax-washes Wiki pages (and yes, I've heard that), if he WERE Indian, that would be on there.

Your Local Epidemiologist explains that no, the COVID-19 vaccine does not impact fertility.

The TSTA Blog is not impressed by Greg Abbott's "pandemic bill of rights".

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