
December 27, 2021

Coronavirus week 90A: Autoimmune disease fears are usually BS

With the rise in the omicron variant, there's a rise in pushback against vaccine mandates from people who claim they have autoimmune diseases and thus allegedly cannot get vaccinated.

NOT true.

Reality? Even for people with an autoimmune disorder, COVID itself is MUCH more likely to produce adverse effects than a COVID vaccine. Maybe "especially for."

Here's the bottom line:

currently no mechanisms have been demonstrated that can explain the correlation between vaccination and the development of chronic autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, epidemiological studies do not support the hypothesis that vaccines cause systemic autoimmune diseases

Period and end of story.

So, for people like Beverly Hallberg who should know better? Consider them just a "new variant" (I see what I did there) on antivaxxerism.

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