
August 14, 2021

Tony Bellatier rightly hammers Movement for a People's Party

Tony Bellatier wasn't satisfied with one takedown of "Brawny" Nick Brana and the Movement for a People's Party, which he wrote for DC Babylon about a month ago and which I somehow missed. He added a second while I was on vacation.

A key issue in both? Just to become a member, you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. You know, like the non-disclosure and non-compete agreements that capitalist big businesses foist on employees, only even less legally enforceable. Indeed, MPP right there lives up to its claim at its inception to NOT be a party of the left.

Next, from the first piece, the lack of organization, despite Brawny Nick having held a position as Bernie Sanders' "National Political Outreach Coordinator" in 2016. (That's if he really was that; see the end of the first piece.) Despite having filed for party line ballot access in California, they're apparently clueless in general about state-by-state requirements for getting a third party on the ballot. Volunteers offered to help, but were largely shut out. (That's not counting the burn rate on volunteers seeing that NDA.)

And, after that, from the first piece? Jimmy Dore is a grifter as well as a nutbar. (Tony Bellatier doesn't mention that he's also a conspiracy theorist, which he is. But hold on to that thought.)

A year after MPP's founding convention, clockwise fr top left:
Cornel West still pretends he's not self-deceiving; Nina Turner
is an official loser; Marianne Williamson's still a nutter;
Jimmy Dore (OLD photo; vanity?) is a bigger nutter and
a conspiracy theorist; conspiracy theorist and liar Mike
Gravel is dead; Ryan Knight's still a flip-flopper, I think.
The second piece adds fuel to the fire in two ways.

First, it looks more at the autocratic control of MPP.

Second (remember that thought?) it notes many MPPers have a conspiracy-theory view of Geoff Campbell. That's laughable. 

Personally (as in, never met him, but from what I know online, and I do "follow" on Twitter), I've got other problems with Geoff. No. 1 is that he seems too much in bed with Zionism. He may not be explicitly anti-BDS, but I've never seen anything in the way of BDS supporting. (The Google search "Geoff Campbell" + "BDS" returns all of 52 results.) No. 2 is that ... while he's not a ConservaDem, he may not be at the leftmost edge of the Democratic Party and that, related to that, he's a full-stop Democrat. Even were they not mocking him as an agent of the DNC, or worse, Geoff would never join MPP.

Update, April 20, 2022: I seem to have cheesed off the old Miami Gator Campbell last night with this tweet.
To which he responded:
 To which I offered this:
Then this:
If I have more on the thread, just go there. 

Let me add  more things to the original post. (And, this may become a separate blog post.) Both are related to that Google search last year. First, the Gator isn't the only Geoff Campbell I get when I re-run that "Geoff Campbell" + "BDS" search. Second, even if he were the only one? I'd probably done 10x that many Tweets mentioning BDS counting backward from last August to the start of my Twitter presence on my first account. And, I've done at least 52 since then.
For the claims in the caption? My semi-takedown obit on Gravel. A quick takedown of Dore the conspiracy theorist. One of several pieces and comments about West willingly kissing Obama's ass in 2008. My 2020 Dem primaries takedown of Williamson. Knight the flip-flopper? This piece from early this year about Knight distancing himself from the MPP problems mentioned in my original piece on the MPP plus stuff Bellatier covers.

Miami Geoff issues aside, this largely squares with my own observations about MPP.

In fact, I wrote in depth about it a full year ago, in reference to the organizing convention Tony mentions.

My first take was, we've got a party of the left, in the Greens. (In reality, I've learned that this isn't so true, about the Greens being left, but that's another story.) Second, re Tony's take, I noted the MPP offered no justification on its website about why it was needed. (Well, Nick Brana's grift is why!)

Third, speaking of Jimmy Dore as conspiracy theorist, I noted that speakers included conspiracy theorist Mike Gravel, New Age nutter Marianne Williamson, Ryan Knight who had swallowed the Tulsi Gabbard Kool-Aid (now at Rumble!), Dore, and math-addled Basic Income cultist Scott Santens, who's also surely grifting off his BI touts.

Fourth, I also noted that the DECIDEDLY illiberal in ways Jesse Ventura, who continues to shop "The Body" to whatever political party will give him a quick ticket to its prez nomination, was another speaker.

Fifth, I noted that Brana wasn't so librul in his past, having worked for people like Clinton acolyte Terry McAuliffe.

Points third and fourth corroborate Bellatier's point about celebrity name-dropping.

1 comment:

  1. Update: There's no need to have a conspiracy theory view of Miami Gator Geoff Campbell.

    All you have to do is remember that first, last and in between, he's a hardcore Zionist.


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